This seems to be a problem with the program used for HTML-to-PDF conversion (by default wkhtmltopdf I believe) so you will have to take it up with them as it isn't properly a Pandoc problem.

Development on wkhtmltopdf has AFAIK stopped, so I would advise you to first try another HTML-to-PDF engine first, e.g. weasyprint, and if you still have problems take it up via their channels. It is possible that you will be better off first producing an HTML document with Pandoc then invoke the HTML-to-PDF engine separately, passing it your HTML, your CSS and whatever other options or configuration which may be needed.

Please refer to

Den lör 26 aug. 2023 01:12'Vivianne' via pandoc-discuss <> skrev:
I'm trying to convert HTML to PDF in the exact same manor that pressing ctrl+p in a browser would. The CSS has @media print stuff that gives the browser instructions on how to render the page. When I go

pandoc zine.html zine.pdf

pandoc ignores the @media print and spits out a very tall column over several pages.

How do I get the same behavior as a browser?

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