2012/4/28 John MacFarlane : > > Internal links between chapters do work in pandoc 1.9.2 -- but > maybe not in the way you expect. You need to create > the links using the implicit identifiers described in > . Hey Guys! Sorry for my late reply. I just figured out what was wrong with the internal links in EPUB. For some reason, if you have any content in the beginning that isn't in a chapter, internal links break. For example, the follow document will get a bad internal link in EPUB (but not Latex or HTML): % Test Book % Test Author Here is the forward. # Chapter 1 I am chapter 1. # Chapter 2 [See Chapter 1](#chapter-1) I've also attached two files to demostrate in case this isn't clear enough. Anyway, to fix in my case, I just made a chapter for the forward material. When I generate the latex, I have a preprocess step that removes that chapter. Best regards, David. -- Blog: http://www.linguatrek.com Product: http://www.bibliobird.com