I don't use org myself, but I'm wondering whether the org reader supports YAML metadata blocks.

% pandoc --list-extensions=org









On Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 01:27, ss2 <okubo.peyton-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org> wrote:
Maybe attaching the files was inconvenient.

Haskell code
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query)

-- Extract YAML metadata from document
getMetaData :: Pandoc -> Meta
getMetaData (Pandoc meta _) = meta

-- Read an org document with a yaml metadata block and print it
printDocWithMetaData :: IO ()
printDocWithMetaData = do
  input <- readFile "root.org"
  let readerOpts = def {
    readerStandalone = True,
    readerExtensions = enableExtension Ext_yaml_metadata_block (getDefaultExtensions $ T.pack "org")
  eitherDoc <- runIO $ readOrg readerOpts (T.pack input)
  doc <- handleError eitherDoc
  let metaData = getMetaData doc
  print metaData

Input file (root.org):
title: Hello, World!
  - name: Your Name
    affiliation: Your Affiliation

* Introduction

Hello, World! This is a simple org-mode document with a YAML header.

* Conclusion

Thank you for reading!

Std out:
```Meta {unMeta = fromList []}```

The input file contains a yaml metadata block yet the pandoc reader isn't extracting it.

On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 11:03:41 PM UTC-6 ss2 wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I'm simply trying to read a markup file (org in this case). I'm able to read its contents but not the metadata. I've tried reading the documentation and looking at a few examples and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The code snippet and file I'm reading are attached below. Here is the output when calling the function:

Right (Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []}) [Para [Str "\8212",SoftBreak,Str "title:",Space,Str "The",Space,Str "document",Space,Str "title",SoftBreak,Str "author:"],BulletList [[Plain [Str "name:",Space,Str "Author",Space,Str "One",SoftBreak,Str "affiliation:",Space,Str "University",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "Somewhere"]],[Plain [Str "name:",Space,Str "Author",Space,Str "Two",SoftBreak,Str "affiliation:",Space,Str "University",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "Nowhere"]]],Para [Str "\8230"],Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "Root"],Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "Nav"],BulletList [[Plain [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "posts"] ("posts/hello-world.org","")]],[Plain [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "stream"] ("stream.org","")]]],Para [Str "About",Space,Str "me."]])

As you can see the metadata is empty even though there is a yaml metadata block in the source file.

My build depends on pandoc >= 3.1  && < 3.2 and pandoc-types >= 1.23.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


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