I think you need to use multiple options, as in:

pandoc doc.md  -t latex --pdf-engine=latexmk --pdf-engine-opt=-e --pdf-engine-opt='$max_repeat=1' -o doc.pdf

(I don't use latexmk, but I guess I must have it installed because the above worked for me. It didn't seem to create an output file, but that's probably a different problem.)

On Mon, 30 Oct 2023 at 07:32, oliver <news-WPTjrydoUPgeaOpM6FAJmQkbCANdLtlA@public.gmane.org> wrote:
Hi there

I try to use latexmk with pandoc and I want to pass to latexmk the option:-e $max_repeat=1

So I try the following:

pandoc doc.md  -t latex --pdf-engine=latexmk  '--pdf-engine-opt=-e $max_repeat=1' -o doc.pdf

But I get from latexmk the error: “Latexmk: -e $max_repeat=1 unknown option”

How can I pass to latexmk this option which has an argument separated by space?

Thanks for pointers!

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