::: frame ### Meeting agenda - Introduction to discussion group - Today's meeting topic - Free discussion ::: ::: frame ### Why a Véda discussion group? ::: itemize What is Vedic literature? S áṁhitā-s B rā́hmaṇa-s O thers? Véda-s vs. Vedā́nta & Upaniṣád-s L ater monism (ádvāita) vs. earlier dualism (dvāitá) Modern (religious, scholarly) fixation upon later literature What is there to discuss? H istory & linguistics M etaphysics of religion E xegesis (e.g. countering western narratives) M oral principles N uances of Ṡrāutá ritual ::: ::: ::: frame ### Our plans ::: itemize Weekly meetings Different topic/aspect/angle discussed in depth every meeting Format: P ræsentations F ree-form discussions Eventually something more? ::: ::: ::: frame ### Let's introduce ourselves! - Name - School - Background/interest in Hinduism & Vedic literature ::: ::: frame ### Today's topic: Vratá-s, Satyá, & Mitrá--Váruṇa ::: block vratá n. (MW on R̥V) - will, command, law, ordinance, rule - sphere of action, function, mode or manner of life, conduct, manner, usage, custom - a religious vow or practice, any pious observance, meritorious act of devotion or austerity, solemn vow, rule, holy practice ::: ::: block satyá n. (MW) - truth, reality (R̥V &c) - a solemn asseveration, vow, promise, oath (AV &c) ::: ::: ::: frame ### Some questions to consider - What is uniquely Vedic about the vratá? - What are the religious & social consequences of breaking an oath? - Why is the oath so fundamentally important to the Ā́rya? - What oaths must an Ā́rya make? - What are the implications of strict oath-keeping on our personal lives? on social organization? - We'll return to these at the end! ::: ::: frame ### The best place to start ::: itemize Usually a concordance! e.g. searching `.*vrat.*` in Graßmann's dictionary *ánu-vrata*, *anyá-vrata*, *avratá*, ..., *su-vratá* v ŕ̥ddʰi-ed form also useful: `.*vrāt.*` VedaWeb also a good resource What do we notice from the words' contexts? ::: ::: ::: frame ### Are oaths fundamental to the Ā́rya identity? - *Ā́rya*: a vŕ̥ddʰi-ed form of *aryá* (Graßmann: treu, ergeben, fromm)? - *Aryá* probably from *arí* (MW: faithul, devoted, pious), not to be confused with *ári* (enemy!) - Loyalty/faithfulness (quā oath-keeping) as a distinguishing trait of ethno-religious Ā́rya identity? ::: ::: frame ### Are oaths fundamental to the Ā́rya identity? ::: center Ánu-vratāya • randʰáyann ápa-vratān ābʰū́bʰir Índraḥ • şnatʰáyann ánābʰuvaḥ. *Subduing the oath-breaking for the oath-following,* *Índra destroys the strengthless by the strong.* ---R̥V 1.51.9ab ::: - 1.51.8 makes clear: former are Dásyu-s, latter are Ā́rya-s - Herrenmoral? but also! piousness, loyalty ::: ::: frame ### Are oaths fundamental to the Ā́rya identity? - The enemies of the Vedic religion are distinguished most of all by their oath-breaking/lawlessness. - Famous verse on the Dásyu: ::: center Akarmā́ Dásyur • abʰí no amantúḥ anyá-vrato ámānuṣaḥ. Tuáṁ tásya amitrahan vádʰar Dāsásya dambʰaya! *All around us is the Dásyu, wicked, mindless,* *alien of oath, inhuman.* *O thou foe-slayer,* *destroy that Dāsá's weapon!* ---R̥V 10.22.8 ::: ::: ::: frame ### The gods & dæmons, too, are bound by vratá-s.   ::: center Ná yásya Índro • Váruṇo ná Mitráḥ vratám Aryamā́ • ná minánti Rudráḥ ná árātayas, • tám idáṁ suastí hué deváṁ • Savitā́raṁ námobʰiḥ. *Whose oath neither Índra nor Váruṇa nor Mitrá* *nor Aryamán nor Rudrá violates,* *nor dæmons: for welfare, that very* *god Savitŕ̥ I invoke with salutations.* ---R̥V 2.38.9 ::: ::: ::: frame ### Vedic duality: avratá & asatyá ::: itemize Álpʰa-privative often just as informative as the word itself We already saw *avratá*, as well as: *ápa-vrata*, *anyá-vrata* Asatyá (once in R̥V but illuminating): ::: ::: ::: frame ### Vedic duality: avratá & asatyá ::: center ::: multicols 2 Prá tā̃́ Agnír • babʰasat tigmá-jambʰaḥ tápiṣṭʰena • şocíṣā yáḥ surā́dʰāḥ, prá yé minánti • Váruṇasya dʰā́ma priyā́ Mitrásya • cétato dʰruvā́ṇi. Abʰrātáro ná • yóṣaṇo viántaḥ pati-rípo ná • jánayo durévāḥ pāpā́saḥ sánto • Anr̥tā́ asatyā́ḥ idám padám • ajanatā gabʰīrám. *May sharp-toothed generous Agní* *consume with the hottest flame* *those who violate the laws of Váruṇa,* *the dear steadfast (laws) of wise Mitrá.* *Like brotherless maidens, straying,* *like husband-betraying women, wicked,* *those who are sinful, against R̥tá, untrue,* *have brought forth this deep place \[hell?\].* ::: ---R̥V 4.5.4--5 ::: ::: ::: frame ### Vedic duality: Mitrá--Váruṇa - Mitrá and Váruṇa as a dvaṁ-dvá: guardians of divine law ::: center Dʰármaṇā Mitrā--•Varuṇā vipaşcitā vratā́ rakṣetʰe • ásurasya māyáyā. R̥téna víşvam • bʰúvanaṁ ví rājatʰaḥ. Sū́ryam ā́ dʰattʰo • diví cítriaṁ rátʰam. *O wisdom-inspired Mitrá--Váruṇa, with the law* *and with the power of the divine ye guard oaths.* *Ye govern all existence by R̥tá.* *Ye set the Sun in heaven as a bright chariot.* ---R̥V 5.63.7 ::: ::: ::: frame ### The structure of the Vedic religion (My own theory!) ::: itemize R̥tá Dʰárman ($\surd$*dʰr̥*) V ratá-s Satyá ($\surd$*as*) V ratá-s ::: ::: itemize Savitŕ̥ (prīmum movēns, $\surd$*sū*) M itrá--Váruṇa S ū́rya Índra (king), Agní (commander) V íşve devā́s Ā ́rya-s &c ::: ::: ::: frame ### What happens to the avratá-s? ::: itemize The vratá is a choice: derived from $\surd$*vr̥* "choose" O ne can, and many do, choose to break oaths. What then? Natural consequences: ::: ::: center Su-gáḥ pantʰā anr̥kṣaráḥ Ā́dityāsa R̥táṁ yaté. N' ā́tr' āva-kʰādáv asti vaḥ. *Easy and thornless is the path,* *O sons of Áditi, for the follower of R̥tá.* *Not then is there cause to anger for ye.* ---R̥V 1.41.4 ::: ::: itemize Also hints at wrath of gods: earthly? hell? H ard to tell ::: ::: ::: frame ### Vrā́tya-s, Brāhmaṇá-s & the vratá: social organization ::: block vrā́ta m. (MW on R̥V) - a multitude, flock, assemblage, troop, swarm, group, host, association, guild ::: ::: itemize The Vrā́tya-s? Priestly oaths to serve god: the basis for the later *vrata* concept Oaths as a means of binding people(s) together H usband and wife T eacher and student D ifferent Aryan tribes ::: ::: ::: frame ### The vratá as a profession ::: center Nānānáṁ vā́ u no dʰíyaḥ ví vratā́ni jánānaam. Tákṣā riṣṭáṁ rutám bʰiṣák brahmā́ sunvántam iccʰati. *Diverse indeed are our thoughts,* *and so the oaths of men.* *The builder seeks the broken, the doctor the injured,* *the priest the worshiper.* ---R̥V 9.112.1a--d ::: ::: ::: frame ### The vrata in later literature - More ritual-focused (ironically!) - Vows of fasting, chastity, silence, etc. - Central meaning still retained, e.g.: ::: center Su-bʰagā bʰoga-saṁpannā yajña-patnī sv-anu-vratā. *Fortunate, endowed with joy,* *(be) the wife at the sacrifice, keeping well (thy) oaths.* ---MBʰ 1.191.7cd ::: :::