Dear all,

Having not received a response to my query below, I ran a few of my own tests to try to understand what is going on.

It seems that commonmark_x does recognize attributes for both inline and display math. If I have the following in my markdown file:

$$x = 1+2$${ .cs #math:equation caption=test}

$x = 1+2${ .cs #math:equation caption=test}

def f(x):
    return x

And I run pandoc --from commonmark_x --to native I will get the following:

[ Para
    [ Span
        ( "math:equation" , [ "cs" ] , [ ( "caption" , "test" ) ] )
        [ Math DisplayMath "x = 1+2" ]
, Para
    [ Span
        ( "math:equation" , [ "cs" ] , [ ( "caption" , "test" ) ] )
        [ Math InlineMath "x = 1+2" ]
, CodeBlock
    ( "" , [ "{" ] , [] )
    "  .cs \n  #lst:my-listing \n  caption=test\n  }\ndef f(x):\n    return x"

Notice that the multiline attributes for the CodeBlock element are not picked up. If I instead try pandoc --from markdown --to native

[ Para
    [ Math DisplayMath "x = 1+2"
    , Str "{"
    , Space
    , Str ".cs"
    , Space
    , Str "#math:equation"
    , Space
    , Str "caption=test}"
, Para
    [ Math InlineMath "x = 1+2"
    , Str "{"
    , Space
    , Str ".cs"
    , Space
    , Str "#math:equation"
    , Space
    , Str "caption=test}"
, CodeBlock
    ( "lst:my-listing" , [ "cs" ] , [ ( "caption" , "test" ) ] )
    "def f(x):\n    return x"

The attributes in the CodeBlock element are picked up, but the attributes for display and inline math are not.

Unfortunately, for my use case I would like to be able to assign multiline attributes to code block elements and assign attributes to display and inline math elements.

Is there a way to achieve both in the same markdown file? Thanks for your consideration.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: A A <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 at 13:52
Subject: Can math elements have attributes
To: <pandoc-discuss-/>

Dear all,

I am writing my own pandoc to latex converter using panflute and would like to attach attributes to Math elements. I have tried the following syntax, but it seems that the attribute is not being picked up by panflute:

$$x=y$${ a=b }

I did some of my own research to figure out what I was doing wrong. And a couple of things became apparent:

- On the one hand, it looks like pandoc might not support this:
- On the other hand, `pandoc-crossref` seems to be able to handle this syntax:

Is this currently supported by pandoc? If not then how is `pandoc-crossref` able to handle it? Thanks for your consideration.



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