Trying to compile pandoc with icu support, on macOS (with latest pandoc dev, and latest icu4c installed via homebrew), as described in, and using stack, the process errors out with number of messages concerning text-icu (the last one being fatal): ``` text-icu > /private/var/folders/tr/2vzllytd31v6tb7hs_j7n2hm0000gs/T/stack-59bd324a08690294/text-icu- error: text-icu > error: use of undeclared identifier 'TRUE' text-icu > return u_strCompareIter(iter1, iter2, TRUE); text-icu > ^ text-icu > | text-icu > 308 | return u_strCompareIter(iter1, iter2, TRUE); text-icu > | ^ text-icu > 3 warnings and 1 error generated. text-icu > `gcc' failed in phase `C Compiler'. (Exit code: 1) ``` (all but identical to what has been reported at The error(s) appear to be caused by recent changes to icu4c, which seems to have dropped custom-defined TRUE and FALSE values (see While there is an open pull request intended to fix this issue (, it seems not to be clear that text-icu has an active maintainer at the moment, and it’s unclear when that pull request will eventually make it into an official text-icu release. An unofficial fork of text-icu claims to have fixed the issue ( I wonder if anyone could indicate how to tweak the pandoc install command to include, for the time being, the WorldSEnder/text-icu fork rather than the official one - or whether there is anything else I could try to fix this issue on the pandoc side. (I tried downgrading icu4c via homebrew, but apparenty no formulae for earlier versions are available.) As an aside, while I fully understand the wish not having to include a huge external C library by default, I feel that pandoc’s default sorting algorithm, currently based on “i;unicode-casemap” (RFC 5051), is somewhat below par. In particular, it does not even comply with mainstream English-language rules as far accented characters are concerned. The Chicago Manual of Style (17e, 2017, 16.67) unambiguously states: “Words beginning with or including accented letters are alphabetized as though they were unaccented.” One of their examples gives the sort order “Ubeda – Über – Ubina“. Without icu support, pandoc incorrectly sort this as “Ubeda – Ubina – Über“. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "pandoc-discuss" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to pandoc-discuss+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To view this discussion on the web visit