Am Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 04:15:09PM -0400 schrieb Lloyd R. prentice: > The basic tags of extended Pandoc markdown go far. But it would be > productive to somehow simply mark a block of copy and apply an > arbitrary LaTeX package or snippet. This can be done with the LaTeX > markdown package at the cost of dropping down into plain TeX which is > much harder to learn than CSS and likely far beyond the skill set of > most self-publishers. Have you ever considered to use ConTeXt? I my experience it is much easier to define custom layouts with ConTeXt than with LaTeX as the styling is done with key value constructs like in css. With lua scripts you can apply custom environments to blocks. juh -- Autoren-Homepage: ......... Satiren & Essays: ......... Privater Blog: ............ Netzliteratur-Projekt: ....