Oh, so the `div` content is a `table` in lua terms? That didn't occured to me, even though it probably should ... I actually managed to replace it not as a `RawInline`, but `RawBlock`, like so:

  if elem.t == 'Div' and elem.classes[1] == "replace-me" then
    content = pandoc.utils.stringify(elem.content)
    return pandoc.RawBlock('html', '<note>' .. content.. '</note>')
    return elem

But thank you for your solution, for me it was very educational!
Another thing that I struggle with is to wrap my head around `walk_block` function. From the examples in the pandoc official page it is not much clearer to me. I think I now understand that they are used to iterate/filter over the contents of the block that is being walked over. But if the block element contains only String elements (paragraph with simple text), then also Str-filter functions are applied to it?
Maybe my confusion can be voiced like this: When should I use `pandoc.walk_block` function to get what I want and cannot use something else? Explained not only with code, but also with commentary ...
Dne pondělí 10. ledna 2022 v 19:46:37 UTC+1 uživatel BPJ napsal:
It is neither possible nor needed to convert the whole block to HTML within the filter; rather you should just inject the start and end tags:

-- Create these only once, for speed and resources saving!
local pre = pandoc.RawBlock('html', '<note>')
local post = pandoc.RawBlock('html', '</note>')

function Div (div)
  -- The order of the classes shouldn't matter!
  if div.classes:includes('replace-me') then
    local content = div.content
    table.insert(content, 1, pre)
    table.insert(content, post)
    return content
  return nil

Den mån 10 jan. 2022 15:33Tomáš Kruliš <tomas....@integromat.com> skrev:

I would like to ask how you should, in general, detect and manipulate with Pandoc `block` elements. Currently, I am trying to replace `<div class='replace-me'>` tag with `<note>` tag in similar (highly simplified) HTML file:

<p> First line. </p>
<div class="replace-me another-class"> This should carry on to converted document. </div>

I have tried to detect the `<div>` tag, use `walk_block` to get the `<div>` content and put it in `<note>` tag, I also found a code using `:walk` method. Lastly, I tried to convert `<div>` content to simple string and concatenate that in `RawInline` type:

  if elem.t == 'Div' and elem.classes[1] == "replace-me" then
    content = pandoc.utils.stringify(elem.content)
    return pandoc.RawInline('html', '<note>' .. content.. '</note>')
    return elem

But none of that is working. I would like to ask you, how to work in general with `pandoc_walk` or `:walk` (are they the same?) and how to deal with my specific situation?
Thank you very much for any help, I ope that afterwards I will be able to help myself a little bit more :)
Regards Tomas

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