Thanks, Denis for your reply.

<how are you loading the turabian-formatting package?

I tried setting the documentclass with the `--variable` option like so:

```pandoc --variable documentclass="turabian-researchpaper" --pdf-engine=xelatex --bibliography "Bibliography.bib" --csl "chicago-note-bibliography-with-ibid.csl" --filter pandoc-citeproc -f markdown_mmd+citations -o out.pdf
In order to customize the bibliography formating, I started customizing the default latex template.

I modified the cslreferences environment as you suggested:

But this makes the space between entries single not double. Is \parskip not the command to use for this?

On Monday, September 7, 2020 at 8:48:14 AM UTC-4 Denis Maier wrote:

Am 07.09.2020 um 06:28 schrieb Matt Gass:
I'm having difficulty using pandoc with the latex package turabian-formatting thesis, but some conflict between the pandoc latex template, `pandoc-citeproc`, and/or the latex package is clobbering the bibliography:

Giving advice is difficult without knowing more details... E.g. how are you loading the turabian-formatting package?

If I use citeproc, the bibliography is inserted at the end of the main body where the paragraph formatting is not correct for a bibliography.
Yeah, that's the way the bibliography is inserted at the moment. You can adjust the formatting if you redefine the cslreferences environment. The default is:


So, maybe that may be an easy solution if paragraph formatting is the only problem.

I don't know this particular package. But maybe you could just add a `\backmatter` commmand somewhere at the end of you paper?

If I use biblatex and `\printbibliography` command rather than citeproc, the bibliography never appears.

You are using the the `--biblatex` option? If so, the documentation says this:

> Use biblatex for citations in LaTeX output. This option is not for use with the pandoc-citeproc filter or with PDF output. It is intended for use in producing a LaTeX file that can be processed with bibtex or biber.

So, you can't go directly to PDF, but you'll need to produce a tex-file first. Then you can do pdflatex, biber, pdflatex as usual.

I've also tried to merge the default pandoc latex template with the turabian-formatting template, but citeproc seems determined to place the bibliography at the end of `\mainmatter`.

Yes, that's how it is currently. You can use this syntax to move your bibliography to some other place:

::: {#refs}
But I think it will always end up in the body.

@JohnMacFarlane: Will your new-pandoc-citeproc library change that?


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