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playduck schrieb am Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023 um 15:43:34 UTC+1:

I want to convert a Jupyter Notebook to Latex.
The notebook contains code which outputs images (through matplotlib in my case).
How do I scale these output images like I can regular markdown images?


A normal image in Jupyter is defined as:
![](Example.jpg "Test Image"){ width=50% }
and compiled with
pandoc -f ipynb+link_attributes --extract-media=./ -o ./notebook.tex  ./notebook.ipynb
which results in the expected latex code:
This works as expected.

I want to apply the same scaling to the output of a (python) code block:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The notebook shows the image perfectly fine.
Pandoc nicely exports this as:
How could I define the width here?

The entire notebook.ipynb can be found here:


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