Sure thang, your where right @mb21 I did not have to run `pandoc` as sudo. Always good to avoid that.

Thank you and a happy new year to you.

On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 4:50:42 PM UTC+1, mb21 wrote:
You really shouldn't need to use sudo to run pandoc.

About your question: see

On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 1:51:11 PM UTC+1, Lars Bingchong wrote:
Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is my first post in the "pandoc-discuss" group. Allow me to explain myself.

====TRYING TO====

* Convert a lot of DOCX documents, that have text structured like this:


Evigt liv til salg

Hvis nyeste forskning besad.
Gralen til evigt liv via morgenmad.
Ville du gå til bords?
Mæske dig i libidoens buffet.

Eller tror du, fordi du tror?
At evigt liv er en Guds givet gave.
Til frit valg på hylde 1.
Et omfavnende selv tak - det var så lidt.

At det eksisterer kan vi ikke bevise.
At det gør kan vi ikke benægte.
Fakta, aktualitetens modstander.
Og aktuelt er det evige liv for os.

På den ene eller den anden led.
Ønsker vi livet bliver ved.
For det er i det levne liv.
At livet giver 4.

Så hvad gør en klog.
Forsøger at leve evigt sæføli.
Om ikke i kød og dundrende mørkt blod.
Så ihukommelse af os selv i andre.

(Genfødsel - evigt liv) - 2660 - kulturweekend


So what I would like pandoc to do when executing it on a DOCX document of the above type is:

  1. Keep the whitespace between the verses and the first line which is the title
  2. Keep the verse structure so that lines that are not divided by a whitespace line stay together

  1. sudo pandoc -s file.docx -t markdown -o --wrap=none --extract-media . --> that did not do the job
  2. Searching through this discussion group to see if this had already been solved.
  3. Had a good look at the Pandoc documentation. Disclaimer, I have no prior experience with LUA and have not used Pandoc to a great extend.
  4. Then I tried with a LUA filter, inspired by this disccusion >>!searchin/pandoc-discuss/paragraphs%7Csort:date/pandoc-discuss/wlP6AL11NIY/PxF4d6ilBQAJ
    1. I modified it a bit and ended up with.
function Pandoc(doc)
  local lb = pandoc.LineBlock(doc)
  for i,b in pairs(doc.content) do
    if b.t == "Para" and b.content ~= nil then
      table.insert(lb.content, b.content)
  return pandoc.Pandoc({lb}, doc.meta)
--> that gets the conversion in the right direction. Lines are not like this

Evigt liv til salg

Hvis nyeste forskning besad.

Gralen til evigt liv via morgenmad.

Ville du gå til bords?

Mæske dig i libidoens buffet.

Eller tror du, fordi du tror?

but like this:

| Evigt liv til salg
| Hvis nyeste forskning besad.
| Gralen til evigt liv via morgenmad.
| Ville du gå til bords?
| Mæske dig i libidoens buffet.
| Eller tror du, fordi du tror?
| At evigt liv er en Guds givet gave.

However as stated in the "..what I would like..." section, it does not:

  1. Keep the whitespace between the verses and the first line which is the title
  2. Keep the verse structure so that lines that are not divided by a whitespace line stay together

So I'm seeking help on how to accomplish what I want with a LUA filter, as this seems like the rigth path.

Thank you very much :-) and a happy new year (it's soon :-).
function Pandoc(doc)
  local lb = pandoc.LineBlock(doc)
  for i,b in pairs(doc.content) do
    if b.t == "Para" and b.content ~= nil then
      table.insert(lb.content, b.content)
  return pandoc.Pandoc({lb}, doc.meta)
sudo pandoc -s /Volumes/IBIGDATA/IBIG\ Data/Documents/POEMS\ -\ PHILOSOPHIES\ -\ WORDPLAY/FINISHED\ POEMS/DANISH/2016/Evigt\ liv\ til\ salg\ 160603.docx -t markdown -o --wrap=none --extract-media .

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