You can use a lua filter:

$ pandoc --lua-filter note.lua -t markdown | sed -e 's/%%opening%%/\^\[/g' | sed -e 's/%%closing%%/\]/g'

with this note.lua file

function Note(note)
  note.content[1].content[1].text = "%%opening%%" .. note.content[1].content[1].text
  note.content[1].content[#note.content[1].content].text = note.content[1].content[#note.content[1].content].text .. "%%closing%%"
  return note.content[1].content
Le dimanche 16 juillet 2023 à 17:35:38 UTC+2, a écrit :
Is it possible to use Pandoc to convert an md file that has reference footnotes to one that has inline footnotes - just by going from md -> md, but failing that via another format.

I have a file containing reference footnotes like this
    Example[^1] line of text.

    [^1]: Example footnote

I would like to convert them all to inline footnotes like this

    Example^[Example footnote] line of text.

Thank you for any help


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