I am trying to convert HTML pages from our Confluence Wiki to Github Flavored Markdown for the Github Wiki. I want to remove all formatting to get a "vanilla" Markdown output without embedded HTML. I settled on this command for the moment: ```sh pandoc failing_table_tidy_reduced.html -f html-native_divs-native_spans -t gfm-raw_html -o failing_table_tidy_reduced.md ``` **(The contents of `failing_table_tidy_reduced.html` are pasted below.)** The Markdown output is OK for the most part, except that the table headers are systematically broken. I get this for the example file that is pasted below: ```md | | | | |------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Step 1: Select to open image as virtual stack. | Step 2: Select image folder and open dataset. | Step 3: View with opened image stack. Use the slider of in the phase contrast histogram (top) to adjust image saturation for better channel visibility. | | ![](attachments/314948158/314950704.png) | ![](attachments/314948158/314950710.png) | ![](attachments/314948158/314950785.png) | ``` Whereas I expect the text (ie. "Step N: ...") to be in the table header, like so: ```md | Step 1: Select to open image as virtual stack. | Step 2: Select image folder and open dataset. | Step 3: View with opened image stack. Use the slider of in the phase contrast histogram (top) to adjust image saturation for better channel visibility. | |------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ![](attachments/314948158/314950704.png) | ![](attachments/314948158/314950710.png) | ![](attachments/314948158/314950785.png) | ``` What am I doing wrong? --- This is the content of `failing_table_tidy_reduced.html`: ```html Title

Step 1: Select to open image as virtual stack.

Step 2: Select image folder and open dataset.

Step 3: View with opened image stack. Use the slider of in the phase contrast histogram (top) to adjust image saturation for better channel visibility.

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