Thanks for the answer. I ended up creating a metadata file and passing it as --metadata-file=metadata.yaml.

It contains a standard YAML dictionary:
  top: 10mm
  left: 20mm
  right: 20mm
  bottom: 10mm


iandol schrieb am Samstag, 9. Dezember 2023 um 03:01:33 UTC+1:
In YAML metadata: margin: {x: 1.75cm, y: 2cm} works with the Typst template, however I assume given the docmentation for the -M option:

Values will be parsed as YAML boolean or string values

Suggests that YAML lists cannot be passed via the command line. In which case the solution is to use a metadata or a defaults file to pass these options?

Cheers, Ian

On Thursday 7 December 2023 at 23:33:03 UTC+8 Cerdo wrote:

I am trying to set the margins when converting a Markdown file to a PDF with Typst.
According to the documentation, this should be possible by setting the variable margin as 
dictionary with the fields defined in the Typst documentation: x, y, top, bottom, left, right.

How do I define the dictionary?
As far, I have tried:
  • -V margin=top:1mm
  • -V margin="top:1mm"
  • -V margin="(top:1mm)"
  • -V margin="{\"top\":"1mm"}"
  • and many other combinations
What is the correct way to provide this "dictionary"?


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