I am new to Pandoc and would like to convert a bunch of markdown docs to Word docxs where all of the lists are formatted (in Word) as follows (example in green below)

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do achieve this formatting? I've been fooling around with Word style templates and Pandoc but no luck… There are too many docs to open each one in Word and manually format them…

Thank you all for the help!

___ = 0.25" indent
>>> = 12pt of space between items in the list

1. Item one
___1-1. Sub-item one of type one
___1-2. Sub-item two of type one
___ ___ – Maybe some sub-items will have bullets
___ ___ – Maybe even two bullets
___1-3. Sub-item three of type one
___1-A. Sub-item one of type two
___1-B. Sub-item two of type two
___1-C. Sub-item three of type two
 ___ ___ – Maybe sub-items of type two can even have bullets
 ___ ___ – Maybe sub-items of type two can even have bullets
 ___ ___ – Maybe sub-items of type two can even have bullets
2. Item two
___2-1. More sub-items
___2-2. Etc.
___2-A. Etc.
 ___ ___ –  Etc.
___2-B.  Etc.
___2-C.  Etc.
3. Item three
___3-1. Etc.

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