I have tested a lua function: ``` function handleFigure(el) ... --- some code to get the figure and caption object if caption.content[1] then figure.caption = caption.content[1] print(TableToStr(figure)) end ---figure.title = 'fig:' return pandoc.Para{ figure } end ``` The printed info as below shows the caption is set correctly. ``` {['attr']={['identifier']='',['classes']={},['attributes']={}},['caption']={['content']={{['text']='xxx'},{},{['text']='yyy'}}},['src']='img/logo.png',['title']=''} ``` But the resulting latex is (What I expected is a floating figure since it has a caption) ``` \includegraphics{img/logo.png} ``` When I uncomment the line of setting figure.title, I get the expected latex result, except that the caption is still empty. ``` \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{img/logo.png} \caption{} \end{figure} ``` So I am confused what is the difference between caption and title, and how can I set the caption. --