From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on starla X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.1 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,SPF_HELO_PASS,SPF_PASS autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.6 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (4096 bits) server-digest SHA256) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 2E99E1F4C4 for ; Sat, 2 Nov 2024 03:04:06 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key; unprotected) header.a=rsa-sha256 header.s=mail header.b=khAE0zqn; dkim=fail reason="signature verification failed" (2048-bit key; unprotected) header.a=rsa-sha256 header.s=s1 header.b=G5eA7G3P; dkim-atps=neutral DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=mail; t=1730516643; bh=MWKQBnRZsC7Z3uLIEYUYeyKpWvEylXgARilLlKJ/YaM=; h=Date:References:To:Reply-To:Subject:List-Id:List-Archive: List-Help:List-Owner:List-Post:List-Subscribe:List-Unsubscribe: From:Cc:From; b=khAE0zqnIRm0aaGLm8nFR4+f/yh7p6VRsn+qyRz2EE9odF4GKlE3alyxUjdzHw7yk pOQVgXLMsYRwGA8RXq2Z8wGKDWslSCUfUKbLr1SOvdj3fHv5lb0R2a7MfMy/BDG3A8 bFkoeAOQAmmmddFV2gkh2qoWjizSCspnIdRLVx/U= Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 612D944AE5 for ; Sat, 2 Nov 2024 03:04:03 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key; unprotected) header.a=rsa-sha256 header.s=s1 header.b=G5eA7G3P; dkim-atps=neutral Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 35CE344A69 for ; Sat, 2 Nov 2024 03:03:52 +0000 (UTC) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=from:references:subject:mime-version:content-type: content-transfer-encoding:list-id:to:cc:content-type:from:subject:to; s=s1; bh=ifvpEwCmYQDeKCMzMgxyc4FEE7wMpjQtvG2ZEBFqk1o=; b=G5eA7G3PlHE9PzUfm9qmgWAfQEd6X+zxdaPwF2mON4UQcQS9+1tWSmvOpNRLLB6yz40F FgeGwqb3s/DDS4Dk9mwE96sCh9ZB5xhDGt/kJajO39bJDmCkwbf8M1V9Jwiq46cGoFzhdL 74VwxvrXqHf5dLYgddefp9SCMY282EHEh7p/RET/dWxBLzIGb/QiTvtrZKD5C8K0culcUk j0xeh+QVWLG1FQOtzobzTOHalNmMOw0v0Q+swklWfhELSqx0mLzU2QpOg3xVGxqtU+eoYO GpFhIv3B/t336OX8XCcAuz92HmK0uZyDtIpOP9tQbNQOYCG/g4xNH2Xu1lfrcrRg== Received: by recvd-94b86bfcc-2rfv4 with SMTP id recvd-94b86bfcc-2rfv4-1-67259697-11 2024-11-02 03:03:51.335920264 +0000 UTC m=+4352840.709120812 Received: from (unknown) by geopod-ismtpd-28 (SG) with ESMTP id ZoYM0F1JRU6kAbX_YGoSWw for ; Sat, 02 Nov 2024 03:03:51.281 +0000 (UTC) Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 03:03:51 +0000 (UTC) Message-ID: References: Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Redmine-Project: ruby-master X-Redmine-Issue-Tracker: Feature X-Redmine-Issue-Id: 20861 X-Redmine-Issue-Author: tenderlovemaking X-Redmine-Issue-Priority: Normal X-Redmine-Sender: nobu X-Mailer: Redmine X-Redmine-Host: X-Redmine-Site: Ruby Issue Tracking System X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All Auto-Submitted: auto-generated X-Redmine-MailingListIntegration-Message-Ids: 96351 X-SG-EID: =?us-ascii?Q?u001=2E5PtzXJ23KrYzgM1nrOIr+EQ222PyrDaWSg0Er8CZ8tP86xyXmBM81zBKD?= =?us-ascii?Q?HreavdFYMbHjxXOR6UPMkt=2Fu9CyBIp6y52n8D2y?= =?us-ascii?Q?qA9zqurrgUeeF=2Fax3GfO00OCSwEMXYRpTlMjbgz?= =?us-ascii?Q?j5ezRSDT8S9xKSgCkMDwk1vOaU1pqE+wfx74yVr?= =?us-ascii?Q?ZJERIFf7IYBdv6NFZhs4LKO=2FuYTJXtsFTDquo3P?= =?us-ascii?Q?xfdhPPFYcMqsEzJma2RJwc6PSAn+3CEOzExpq+6?= =?us-ascii?Q?KcnkcuJmu8cPa5+86dhnOd8raw=3D=3D?= To: X-Entity-ID: u001.I8uzylDtAfgbeCOeLBYDww== Message-ID-Hash: 3OLKC7PAPGCNQQORIZAKSU6FDVX6FQOK X-Message-ID-Hash: 3OLKC7PAPGCNQQORIZAKSU6FDVX6FQOK X-MailFrom: X-Mailman-Rule-Misses: dmarc-mitigation; no-senders; approved; emergency; loop; banned-address; member-moderation; nonmember-moderation; administrivia; implicit-dest; max-recipients; max-size; news-moderation; no-subject; digests; suspicious-header X-Mailman-Version: 3.3.9 Precedence: list Reply-To: Ruby developers Subject: [ruby-core:119687] [Ruby master Feature#20861] Add an environment variable for tuning the default thread quantum List-Id: Ruby developers Archived-At: List-Archive: List-Help: List-Owner: List-Post: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: From: "nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) via ruby-core" Cc: "nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada)" Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Issue #20861 has been updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada). Your patch misses pthread_win32.c, and if we add a new environment variable, man/ruby.1 must be updated as well. ---------------------------------------- Feature #20861: Add an environment variable for tuning the default thread quantum * Author: tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) * Status: Open ---------------------------------------- The default thread quantum is currently [hard coded at 100ms]( This can impact multithreaded systems that are trying to process Ruby level CPU bound work at the same time as IO work. I would like to add an environment variable `RUBY_THREAD_DEFAULT_QUANTUM_MS` that allows users to specify the default thread quantum (in milliseconds) via an environment variable. It defaults to our current default of 100ms. I've submitted the patch [here]( Here is a Ruby program to demonstrate the problem: ```ruby def measure x = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) yield Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - x end def fib(n) if n < 2 n else fib(n-2) + fib(n-1) end end # find fib that takes ~500ms fib_i = 50.times.find { |i| measure { fib(i) } >= 0.05 } sleep_i = measure { fib(fib_i) } threads = [ { 100.times { sleep(sleep_i) # sometimes stalled waiting for fib's quantum to finish } puts "done 1" }, { 100.times { fib(fib_i) }; puts "done 2" }, ] # We expect the total time to be about 100 * sleep_i (~5 seconds) because # theoretically the sleep thread could be done nearly completely in parallel to # the fib thread. # # But because the `sleep` thread is iterating over the sleep call, it must wait # for the `fib` thread to complete its quantum, before it can start the next iteration. # # This means each sleep iteration could take up to `sleep_i + 100ms` # # We're calling that stalled time "waste" total = measure { threads.each(&:join) } waste = total - (sleep_i * 100) p TOTAL: total, WASTE: waste ``` The program has two threads. One thread is using CPU time by computing `fib` in a loop. The other thread is simulating IO time by calling `sleep` in a loop. When the `sleep` call completes, it can stall, waiting for the quantum in the fib thread to expire. That means that each iteration on sleep can actually take `sleep time + thread quantum`, or in this case ~600ms when we expected it to only take ~500ms. Ideally, the above program would take `500ms * 100` since all `sleep` calls should be able to execute in parallel with the `fib` calls. Of course this isn't true because the sleep thread must acquire the GVL before it can continue the next iteration, so there will always be _some_ overhead. This feature is for allowing people to tune that overhead. If we run this program with the default quantum the output looks like this: ``` $ ./miniruby -v fibtest.rb ruby 3.4.0dev (2024-11-01T14:49:50Z quantum-computing c7708d22c3) +PRISM [arm64-darwin24] done 2 done 1 {TOTAL: 12.672821999993175, WASTE: 4.960721996147186} ``` The output shows that our program spent about 5 seconds stalled, waiting to acquire the GVL. With this patch we can lower the default quantum, and the output is like this: ``` $ RUBY_THREAD_DEFAULT_QUANTUM_MS=10 ./miniruby -v fibtest.rb ruby 3.4.0dev (2024-11-01T22:06:35Z quantum-computing 087500643d) +PRISM [arm64-darwin24] done 2 done 1 {TOTAL: 8.898526000091806, WASTE: 1.4168260043952614} ``` Specifying the ENV to change the quantum to 10ms lowered our waste in the program to ~1.4 seconds. It's common for web applications to do mixed CPU and IO bound tasks in threads (see the Puma webserver), so it would be great if there was a way to customize the thread quantum depending on your application's workload. -- ______________________________________________ ruby-core mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to ruby-core info --