I have just installed runit in my lfs system and I am so grateful to be able to simplify managing services. However, I am undecided as to how to organize the service file directories and I am wondering what works for others. And whether anyone cares about whether or how the runit file organization should fit into the Linux FHS. Ordinarily, I would have service start and finish scripts in /etc, yet the service hierarchy also contains pipes, flags, pid files, etc which seem more appropriate in /var. Or is this the kind of information that is destined for /svc (I am not really sure what /svc is for)? I also will be setting up different service configurations, which I suppose are like runlevels. But the description of using runsvchdir shows the svdirs (current, previous, etc) back in /etc rather than /var. This confuses me. Perhaps someone could explain how they organize their service directories, svdir directories and run scripts. Gregg Howe