Hello! I am also working on an init-system. I saw how runit does IPC with two fifos for each service. I tried to use unix-sockets (AF_UNIX), but bind() fails, as a) it cannot create socket (fs is r/o at boot) b) it says already bound (as socket exists) So my questions now are: a) is there a way to tell bind() to reuse the existing socket? b) is a per-service fifo-based communication really the best thing one wants for a parallel executing init? I also attached my mail I posted to comp.unix.programmer, which explains the problem more in detail. Thanks for any hint, Nico -- Keep it simple & stupid, use what's available. Please use pgp encryption: 8D0E 27A4 is my id. http://nico.schotteli.us | http://linux.schottelius.org