Hello. I've successfully installed the "runit" and "runit-run" packages in the vserver environment. [I've attached the step-by-step procedure I've followed, aiming at a "fairly" minimal vserver; nothing fancy, just to help me remember :-)] Host config: (vanilla) kernel: version vserver patch: http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Experimental/patch- "util-vserver" deb package: version 0.30.207-5 I should nevertheless point out the following minor problems: 1. The executable bit (+x) is not set for stages "1", "2" and "3", resulting in a failure to start. Fixed by # chmod a+x /etc/runit/[123] 2. Hardware-related one-time system tasks (in stage "1") should be disabled in a vserver, hence commenting out the line "/etc/init.d/rcS" 3. The "getty" services shouldn't be enabled (doesn't harm but useless, I think), hence: # rm /var/service/getty* 4. Hardware-related shutdown tasks (in stage "3") should be disabled, hence commenting out "/etc/init.d/rc $LAST" So finally restarting the vserver: [Inside the vserver] # ps ax PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND 1 ? S 0:00 runit 20083 ? Ss 0:00 runsvdir -P /var/service log: ....... 20085 ? Ss 0:00 runsv sshd 20086 ? S 0:00 svlogd /var/log/service/sshd 20096 ? S 0:00 sshd -D -e 20108 ? Ss 0:00 sshd: root@pts/11 20112 pts/11 Ss 0:00 -bash 31623 pts/11 R+ 0:00 ps ax Best regards, Gilles