OK, here is my suggestion for rewriting the man page: svlogd matches a log message against a string pattern. The pattern rules are similar to grep except that svlogd patterns are much simpler than grep regexp. = A character not a star (``*'') and not a plus (``+'') matches itself. = A plus matches the next character in pattern in the log message one or more times. For example, the pattern +abc matches aaabc. Note that with grep, the same pattern would be written as a+bc. svlogd is different. = A star before the end of the pattern matches any string in the log message that does not include the next character in pattern. A star at the end of pattern matches any string. (In perl terminology, the svlogd star works like a non-greedy wildcard match .*?.) An svlogd pattern is not really a regular expression because there is no backtracking. To see what this means, consider a line like this: [Fri Dec 09 06:24:23 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/ohl/ohl-v2/htdocs/xmlrpc.php The following pattern doesn't match: -*File does not exist* Why? Because svlogd doesn't backtrack. The star matches up to the first F in Fri then the match fails because i != r. Once the match fails, it fails. To match the line, you can use something like the following pattern instead: -[*] [*] [*] File does not exist: *