I though runit is a daemontools fork so we can give s... what djb thinks :-) Are you gonna implement my cross-compilation stuff? Do want me anything to do so you can actually do so? Radek Podgorny > On Sun, 11 Dec 2005, Alejandro Mery wrote: > > yes, runit has the same bad habit djb software has. compiling it's own > > build timers helpers in the same way that the runtime programs. > > > > what's the reason to use binary helpers instead of simple sh scripts for > > those tasks? > > I think djb's rationale is that he can create his own portability, and > doesn't depend on the portable implementation of features by the platform > provider. Except for the compiler's C implementation, that is :-) -- GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x98E56D84