Oh yeah, not I got it. By "you" I meant "you, the mailing list guys". I don't know who should I write to to implement it... :-( Radek P. > On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Radek Podgorny wrote: > > I though runit is a daemontools fork so we can give s... what djb thinks > > :-) > > Alejandro said that runit "has the same bad habit djb software has". Then > asked "what's the reason"? I simply made an attempt to answer that > question. > > I don't think that runit is a daemontools fork. My understanding is it's a > reimplementation of the same design pattern. > > > Are you gonna implement my cross-compilation stuff? > > Me? No. Why me? Are you? -- GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x98E56D84