* Gilles [2006-02-01 15:54:45 +0100]: [...] > > After all it's just personal preference. I prefer to have the service's > > configuration (including run scripts) and logs all accessible through a > > single directory, now /etc/sv//. > > > > Definitely fine for "run" and "log/run", but do you really recommend having > the log files in there too? Those files can grow and eat a large amount > of the root partition's space! I thought a better place would be > > /var/log/service/ > > or with the newly proposed name > > /var/log/sv/ For Annvix, which uses runit as init by default, we do things a bit different, but similar to the above. All packages, once they're installed create /var/service/foo and /var/service/foo/log with the appropriate run scripts in them. This is where they go, by default, and this isn't supervised. We have our own tool called srv that manages things like dependencies, starting and stopping services, etc. When we add a service (srv --add foo) it creates a symlink in /service; and /service is the directory tree that is actually supervised. To remove a service, just remove the symlink (well, srv --del foo is cleaner). Anyways, all of our logging scripts look similar to this: [vdanen@build SPECS]$ cat ../SOURCES/mdadm-log.run #!/bin/execlineb # logging for the mdadm service /bin/foreground { /usr/bin/install -m 0700 -d -o logger -g logger /var/log/service/mdadm } /bin/cd /var/log/service /sbin/chpst -u logger /sbin/svlogd -tt /var/log/service/mdadm So all of our logs go in /var/log/service/foo. I find this is much cleaner because /etc should be used for configuration files and while people can argue that a run script is actually a configuration file (we flag it as such in our rpm packages so that run scripts don't get overwritten if people make modifications to it), there is other stuff, as you mention, that doesn't belong in /etc... supervision state files, logs, and so forth. The same argument goes for /usr/share... great for templates, but I wouldn't run a service out of /usr... that's what /var is for. -- Annvix - Secure Linux Server: http://annvix.org/ "lynx -source http://linsec.ca/vdanen.asc | gpg --import" {FEE30AD4 : 7F6C A60C 06C2 4811 FA1C A2BC 2EBC 5E32 FEE3 0AD4} Wasting time like it was free...