I discovered this morning when upgrading my sid box, that runit-run and socklog-run both failed in interesting ways. Runit-run replaces the getty links in /var/service with new ones in /etc/sv. If you're running the upgrade from a getty, the getty will die when its service dir link is removed to be replaced, leaving non-functional services. I was able to get in via ssh and fix the links so that the getty's worked, and also tested not-fixing them and letting dpkg --configure -a finish the job. Both worked. The next problem is less of a show-stopper, but still needs to be paid attention to. Socklog-run upgrade similar replaces the old /etc/socklog-? links with /etc/sv/socklog-?. but it doesn't remove the old symlinks in /var/service first, and so ln fails because the target already exists. Removing the old links allows the postinst portion of the deb installation to finish. I'm not sure there are good ways to get around this on an upgrade of these packages, so I'm uncertain if I should try to file a bug report. Any thoughts?