On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 08:54:34PM -0400, Charlie Brady wrote: > Those bits are likely unwise. Throwing away error output is always a > bad idea. Agreed. Here's a better version: --- #!/bin/sh -e export PATH=$(postconf -h command_directory):$(postconf -h daemon_directory):${PATH} master -t || postfix stop postfix check exec master # Notes: # # - use ksh for versions of sh that don't support $() # # - master does a setsid(). This will fail if it already is a process leader ; # if it is run from a shell # # - postfix is not intended to run from daemotools, and as such "postfix stop" # no longer works as intended by the author. --- -- Jack (John) Cummings http://mudshark.org/ PGP fingerprint: 0774 D073 E386 B70B 6B16 2D2B 1DD8 F8B0 CCF0 FAEE Now playing on Prime: Egg -- Mr. Bungle Now playing on Remedial: Life Beyond the Minimum Safe Distance -- Matthew Good Band