Quick question here... is anyone using anything like swatch or SEC to parse/monitor svlogd-produced logfiles? I'm having some issues with tail where it won't follow ./current when it rotates, which is causing me some grief. I ended up solving it to some extent using the perl File::Tail module with swatch, but I'm not overly satisfied with the results, because swatch will now only let me monitor a single logfile rather than two (my catchall log and the kernel log from socklog), and on my loghost I need it to look at probably a dozen logs. So I'm looking for a good alternative that properly follows ./current (or reloads it on rotation) and can handle multiple logfiles. There's a whole bunch of different programs out there so I'm hoping that someone can share what they're using to save me some time. I'm currently looking at SEC, and it seems quite powerful. The other thing I was considering was to see if I could make svlogd write to one end of a named pipe and have the log watcher on the end, avoiding disk writes completely (and let the log watcher write "summarized" logs). This would be a benefit when having two "*.*" services, one writing the logs and the other writing them to the named pipe. But I'm not sure if named pipes are exclusive, i.e. can I have multiple svlogd processes writing to the same named pipe at the same time? Ideally, the log watcher should be able to run supervised as well because although I'd like to watch it realtime (I like swatch's colorized output), I'd like it to also write the "summary" log as well, which would be retained for a longer period of time than the standard logs. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. -- {FEE30AD4 : 7F6C A60C 06C2 4811 FA1C A2BC 2EBC 5E32 FEE3 0AD4} mysql> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0; Empty set (0.00sec) :: Annvix - Secure Linux Server: http://annvix.org/ ::