Using runit 1.6.0, it doesn't look like "sv exit" is working as it should. I'm working to replace some scripts which use svwaitdown in /etc/runit/3 with using sv, and was trying to use "sv exit [service]" but when I do, the service goes down, runsv is killed, but then within a few seconds it's starting again. It's almost like it's not properly writing the new state for runsvdir to know we want it down. If I use "sv down [service]" the service goes down properly. It's not that big of a deal to use sv down in stage 3 I guess, but it's not what's illustrated in the sample debian script (which uses force-stop then exit). I figure using exit alone would be sufficient (force-stop shuts the service down but then it comes right back up when I use exit). Am I doing something wrong? My stage 3 script looks like this: [vdanen@build trunk]$ cat 3 #!/bin/execlineb /bin/fdmove -c 2 1 /bin/export PATH "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin" /sbin/chpst -e /etc/sysconfig/env/runit/ /bin/import -D 180 STAGE_3_TIMEOUT /bin/import -D 14 GETTY_TIMEOUT /bin/elglob -0 GETTYS /service/mingetty-* /bin/elglob -0 ALLSERVICES /service/* /bin/foreground { /bin/echo "Waiting up to ${GETTY_TIMEOUT} seconds for getties to stop..." } /bin/foreground { /sbin/sv -w $GETTY_TIMEOUT force-stop $GETTYS } /bin/foreground { /sbin/sv exit $GETTYS } /bin/foreground { /bin/echo "Waiting up to ${STAGE_3_TIMEOUT} seconds for services to stop..." } /bin/foreground { /sbin/sv -w $STAGE_3_TIMEOUT force-stop $ALLSERVICES } /bin/foreground { /sbin/sv exit $ALLSERVICES } /bin/foreground { /bin/echo "Executing shutdown..." } /sbin/rc 0 It's pretty much the same as the debian script with a few additions and it's written in execline rather than bash. Any ideas? Right now I'm thinking just to use force-stop and get rid of the exit call altogether and let /sbin/rc handle sending all the runsv services the TERM signal when shutting the system down. -- {FEE30AD4 : 7F6C A60C 06C2 4811 FA1C A2BC 2EBC 5E32 FEE3 0AD4} mysql> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0; Empty set (0.00sec)