[CCed to purely for your information.] On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 12:35:57AM +0200, I wrote: > [...], build the `runit' package and upload to GNUAB. Some more information. When installing the package, you'll hit this bug: . Rebooting helps... As the Hurd doesn't take `/etc/inittab''s content into account, you'll have to add a line like ``runsvdir-start &'' to `/etc/rc.local'. (Yes, we could really be doing better...) And yet another issue: if you run services that write to stdout / stderr, then their messages won't show up in the ``ps -Aw | grep runsvdir'' output, but you'll get ``Resource lost'' error messages in there instead and the services aren't guaranteed to function properly. So, don't forget to set up log sub-services. Regards, Thomas