* Bernhard Graf [2008-01-06 00:17:51 +0100]: >rehan khan wrote: > >> You could also try the following: >> >> http://fedorafastboot.wiki.sourceforge.net/The+Runlevel+Scheme > >Thanks for the pointer. >I'm checking all related sites and fedorafastboot was one of the first >that I looked at. Has some nice infos and inspirations. You may also be interested in what Annvix has done. Annvix has used runit for init for quite a few years now, and very successfully. It still handles traditional "initscripts", but doesn't handle number-based runlevels or runlevel switching (largely due to the fact that Annvix has no GUI and thus has no real need for that). But the /sbin/rc script is completely custom, as are the 1, 2, and 3 scripts (using execline). There's no real documentation for anything, but (I hope) the code is clean enough to be understandable: http://svn.annvix.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/tools/runit/trunk/ That's got the relevant runit scripts we use to handle init. Note that we don't completely do away with sysvinit... there are some useful tools that come with it; we just don't use sysvinit's init. -- Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/