* Mike Buland [2008-01-13 11:49:58 -0700]: >Hey, a complicated program they made is better than one I have to manage. > >If you do read the docs, they don't handle signals in mysqld, like I say, >mysqlmanager does. They don't defend it, but they do explain that the only >way to safely shutdown mysql is to send it a command via the named socket. >Since this can't be done easily from the commandline without a password, >unless you configrue mysql to accept the command from root without a >password, then this seems like a pretty decent solution, since this program >basically supervises it's child mysql processes and sends them a safe >shutdown signal when the mysqlmanager program receives a term signal. > >All the scripts I've read from debian and redhat just send a kill...although >this seems alright most of the time (and they are official scripts), that >doesn't gurantee that data is flushed to disk, if mysql is in the middle of a >large operation, that data is gone. This solution does solve that problem, >and keep runit from waiting for mysql to TERM. Hmmm... I didn't know anything about this mysqlmanager. Care to share your runit script? =) I may have to look into using that instead of calling mysqld directly. -- Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/