Thank you for your answer! > I could be mistaken, but I thought one-shots were specifically designed for > fire-and-forget use, I would argue that the following speaks against this: - s6-rc tracks the state of oneshots already in that you can not run    "s6-rc start " multiple times without "s6-rc stop " in between. - Longrun service A can depend on a oneshot B in that it is only ran once B is finished. - It is useful to know whether and when a oneshot task is finished. By the above I would argue that oneshots are on equal footing with and of equal importance as longruns, not just "fire-and-forget" and therefore would profit from an equally powerful readiness api. > and that if you want to monitor it that way, you should > use a regular service. This is not possible, since what I depend on is a script that does its thing and exits. I would need to add a "sleep infinity" or better, a posix compatible alternative at its end, which would cause a useless dangling longrun being supervised and logged - a waste of resources. Regards Paul Sopka