(Dean Hall) writes: > I work for a company that has a dire need for a syslog replacement, and > as a long-time daemontools and runit user, I'd like to propose a svlogd > (or similar) solution for us. > > The main reservation I have is the robustness/scalability of svlogd. > ... > Has anyone load-tested svlogd, or does anyone have experience with > svlogd's behavior under a heavy load? I played some time with svlogd in an environment (Linux-VServer) where multiple svlogd daemons (>20) run on the same machine. But this solution showed too bloated because svlogd is too minimalistic and does not support basic functions: * encryption of logstream is possible by an external program only which must be spawned at each logrotation; because of SSL key exchange this is a very heavyweight operation * logrotation is very unflexible; low-volume logs will be transmitted very seldom and svlogd does not support a way to rotate them periodically. You will need external programs started e.g. by cronjobs which send SIGALRM to svlogd. But this will have bad sideeffects as it rotates all logfiles but not only the low-volume ones. At the end, I switched to syslog-ng. It offers more flexibility and is more lightweighted. Enrico