I'm using runit in cooperation with Monit, we are still using the init.d scripts that shipped with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but using runit for all application level processes. Monit also watches over a couple of the system level scripts. We're seeing something where Monit (I believe is to blame) is causing the following: root@runitvm:~# ps aux | grep runsvdir | grep -v grep > root 1079 0.0 0.0 188 32 ? Ss 15:52 0:00 runsvdir > -P /etc/service log: > .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................runsv > apache2: fatal: unable to setup filedescriptor for ./run: file descriptor > not open?runsv apache2: fatal: unable to setup filedescriptor for ./run: > file descriptor not open? *runsv apache2: fatal: unable to setup filedescriptor for ./run: file descriptor not open?* I haven't been able to debug this, and the box only recovers when restarted (reboot). There's a possible explanation here detailing a kind of race condition: http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.supervision.general/month=20100801 An extract from the mailing list thread I linked: ...is that at some point, your runsv ran through that code, but > somehow managed to live and the services didn't die, i.e. another control > message was sent and processed before the exit condition was reached, and > runsv is still trying to supervise things - but runs into trouble with the > closed logpipe... It's my supposition that Monit is signalling the runsv process too often, and leaving it in a broken state, I haven't been able to verify this though. I wanted to run this by the mailing list before I pour too much time into debugging something that may already be a known problem with an obvious (to those wiser than I) workaround. I'm running on: $ dpkg -s runit Architecture: amd64 Version: 2.1.1-6.2ubuntu2 $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS Release: 12.04 Codename: precise Thanks advance for any assistance, in the meantime I'm trying to tell Monit to be less aggressive. Lee Hambley -- http://lee.hambley.name/