Ok, this is driving me nuts, and I'm hoping maybe someone else has dealt with and solved this. In Annvix, we ship both exim and postfix (exim being preferred... it runs awesome supervised). The same can't be said of postfix, however. I spent all day upgrading my rpm packages from 2.0.13 to 2.1.5 to find that somewhere, somehow, it's operating a little differently, and I'm not at all sure why. I've found some info regarding postfix under daemontools, but it looks like it's all for version 2.0.x or earlier. This is the run script I'm using: !/bin/sh # this was originally posted at http://mandree.home.pages.de/postfix/daemontools.html # but doesn't seem to be there anymore... thanks google! set -e PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" # this runs postfix supervised command_directory=`postconf -h command_directory` daemon_directory=`$command_directory/postconf -h daemon_directory` # kill postfix if running to ensure we run supervised $daemon_directory/master -t || $command_directory/postfix stop # make consistency check #$command_directory/postfix check >/dev/console 2>&1 $daemon_directory/master 2>&1 I can't use exec for master because if I do I get this written to my mail.log: Oct 9 14:31:46 test postfix/master[1941]: fatal: unable to set session and process group ID: Operation not permitted However, for some odd reason if I manually run the run script (ie. sh -x ./run) the master process starts and starts the children properly, etc. If I try to make /service/postfix available to runsv by itself, runsv never seems to pick up. But if I do "runsv /service/postfix" then it will run (but that's not how it should be). If I do "runsvctrl u postfix" I get: [root@test postfix]# runsvctrl u /service/postfix runsvctrl: warning: /service/postfix: supervise not running. I'm really stumped on this one... I've never seen runsv not respond to a service like this. Personally, I wouldn't mind ditching postfix entirely but I think I'd have some users upset with me, and I'd really like to not have wasted an entire day on this (and I don't want to run postfix by itself outside of runsv... that defeats much of the purpose of the system). Anyone have any ideas they could toss to me? I'm about ready for any bones here and willing to try anything. If I had hair I'd be ripping it out. If there's more info I can provide, please ask... I think I've included all the pertinent info, but I may have missed something. -- Annvix - Secure Linux Server: http://annvix.org/ *Please note gpg keyid FE6F2AFD has been replaced with keyid FEE30AD4* "lynx -source http://linsec.ca/vdanen.asc | gpg --import" {FEE30AD4 : 7F6C A60C 06C2 4811 FA1C A2BC 2EBC 5E32 FEE3 0AD4}