Hello from Gregg C Levine Actually, no your not. I do. Even though my contacts with computer technology was rather limited, until about thirty odd years ago, and on and off, during the eighties. For example, a shop that my father ran, which did typesetting, used a pair of teletypes to communicate with the host. (Host wasn't a DEC system, he was a related unit.) And surprisingly enough, one of their customers was AT&T, they sent over a manuscript they were having problems setting using the exact same methods being discussed here. My copy of the C manual, that all of us know who wrote, says it was done that way as well. ------------------- Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon at worldnet.att.net ------------------------------------------------------------ "The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi "Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi > -----Original Message----- > From: tuhs-bounces at minnie.tuhs.org [mailto:tuhs-bounces at minnie.tuhs.org] On > Behalf Of Mirian Crzig Lennox > Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:21 PM > To: tuhs at minnie.tuhs.org > Subject: Re: [TUHS] Booting v6 > > michael_davidson at pacbell.net ("Michael Davidson") writes: > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: "Mirian Crzig Lennox" > >> > >> I'm amused that someone would use LaTeX to reproduce a manuscript of > >> dot-matrix source listings and roughly-typewritten commentary. > >> > >> (No offence at all intended to Dr Lions; the genius was clearly all in > >> the content, not the typography.) > > > > When you describe the notes as having been "roughly-typewritten" I think > > that you may have been misled by the quality of the printer that was used. > > Not at all; "typewritten" means "written with type": fixed-width, > metal impact type on bars or wheels. Surely I can't be the only > person on this list who remembers when hardcopy terminals were often > called "typewriters". > > cheers, > Mirian > _______________________________________________ > TUHS mailing list > TUHS at minnie.tuhs.org > http://minnie.tuhs.org/mailman/listinfo/tuhs