From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: (Jason Stevens) Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 18:32:52 +0800 Subject: [TUHS] speaking of early C compilers Message-ID: <0F0B9BFC06289346B88512B91E55670D2F86@EXCHANGE> has anyone ever tried to compile any of the old C compilers with a 'modern' C compiler? I tried a few from the 80's (Microsoft/Borland) and there is a bunch of weird stuff where integers suddenly become structs, structures reference fields that aren't in that struct, c01.c register int t1; .... t1->type = UNSIGN; And my favorite which is closing a bunch of file handles for the heck of it, and redirecting stdin/out/err from within the program instead of just opening the file and using fread/fwrite.. c00.c if (freopen(argv[2], "w", stdout)==NULL || (sbufp=fopen(argv[3],"w"))==NULL) How did any of this compile? How did this stuff run without clobbering each-other? I don't know why but I started to look at this stuff with some half hearted attempt at getting Apout running on Windows. Naturally there is no fork, so when a child process dies, the whole thing crashes out. I guess I could simulate a fork with threads and containing all the cpu variables to a structure for each thread, but that sounds like a lot of work for a limited audience. But there really is some weird stuff in v7's c compiler.