On Jan 27, 23:42, lothar felten wrote: > installation was no problem, but still i > have some questions: > my VT102 doesn´t do backspace, i only > get ^H. i tried the > terminal in ANSI and VT52 mode, no > difference. Maybe it wants a DEL character instead of backspace (backspace *is* ctrl-H, shown as ^H or ^h). Change it on the terminal by going into setup, or use stty on the BSD system to change the delete character (stty del '^h'). > i have some dec boards labeled M7513 > does anyone know what this > is? i found: > M7513 - RQD - RQDXE Q BUS drive > interface extension module That's exactly what it is. The BA23 box only supports one hard drive; the RQDXE is an adaptor for an RXDX2 or RXDX3 to permit use of additional drives with a distribution board in a second enclosure. One of the 50-pin connectors goes to the RQDX3, one to the distribution board in the BA23, and the third to a connector kit on the rear panel of the BA23. There's a different version for an RQDX1, called an RQDX1E. > the RQDX3 has another connector, i > suppose for RX50 floppydrive. An RQDX3 has only one connector, the 50-pin one to go to the distribution board. Are you looking at the right thing? Are you looking at a distribution board? That does have a 34-way connector for a floppy. > can i hook up a 5,25" pc drive? maybe > with modifications? Not an ordinary PC floppy, no. A TEAC FD55GFR is an 80-track double-sided drive (not HD, though) that will work as an RX33. Some other 80-track 5.25" drives may work, if you set the jumpers. -- Pete Peter Turnbull Network Manager University of York