I don't recognize this as any Yacc that my hands have touched.    Looking at the reserved words, there is one, ENTRY, that I've never heard of (although FORTRAN had an ENTRY statement), and there is STRUCT but no UNION.  Also, he uses val= instead of $$=.  There don't seem to be any nontrivial assignment ops (neither += or =+). Al was at Bell Labs in 1973, and this is dated 5 years later. The use of quotes for single character literals was in early Yaccs, but it led to some strange-looking lexical analyzer code, and I quickly gave it up. I'm guessing either Al wrote it from scratch or based it on some other similar program.  LR parsing made quite a stir in the 70's. Can't help you though as far as how to generate a parser from this input... Steve ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lars Brinkhoff" To: Cc: Sent:Sun, 28 Oct 2018 21:34:49 +0000 Subject:[TUHS] Archaic yacc C grammar Hello, This is Alan Snyder's C grammar. It's supposedly for yacc, but it's probably using some really ancient version. Maybe from when Alan did a stint at Bell labs and converted yacc from B to C. Does anyone recognize this type of yacc input? I don't have the corresponding yacc version, and the one in V6 isn't happy about this file. What would it take to update the grammar for V6 yacc? Add in some %term, replace with %%? # C GRAMMAR # # 28 May 1978 # # Alan Snyder # # 26 acceptable conflicts: 2 S/R conflicts for (parsing) ambiguity between declarators and function_declarators 1 S/R conflict for the C ELSE ambiguity 4 R/R conflicts for the (parsing) problem with regard to integer constants as initial_values 12 R/R conflicts for the (parsing) problem with regard to identifiers in function calls 1 R/R conflict for the (parsing) problem with regard to identifiers in goto statements 4 R/R conflicts and 1 S/R conflict for TYPEDEFs 1 S/R conflict for ambiguous cast types (int ()) = (int x()) not (int (x)) Approximate description: 18 S/R ( shift 37 reduce 141 50 S/R ( shift 37 reduce 71 81 S/R ( shift 37 reduce 71 113 R/R ( reduce 141 reduce 140 113 R/R ( reduce 159 reduce 140 113 R/R * reduce 159 reduce 141 113 S/R : shift 199 reduce 141 183 R/R , reduce 203 reduce 24 183 R/R } reduce 203 reduce 24 204 R/R ( reduce 159 reduce 140 206 R/R ( reduce 148 reduce 139 207 R/R ( reduce 147 reduce 139 208 R/R ( reduce 145 reduce 139 209 R/R ( reduce 144 reduce 139 210 R/R ( reduce 146 reduce 139 211 R/R ( reduce 149 reduce 139 212 R/R ( reduce 150 reduce 139 215 R/R ( reduce 159 reduce 140 215 R/R ; reduce 159 reduce 138 225 R/R ( reduce 151 reduce 139 228 R/R ( reduce 159 reduce 140 284 R/R , reduce 203 reduce 25 284 R/R } reduce 203 reduce 25 291 S/R ) shift 339 reduce 165 343 R/R ( reduce 153 reduce 139 360 S/R ELSE shift 369 reduce 94 # # terminal symbols # ';' '}' '{' ']' '[' ')' '(' ':' ',' '.' '?' '~' '!' '&' '|' '^' '%' '/' '*' '-' '+' '=' '<' '>' '++' '--' '==' '!=' '<=' '>=' '<<' '>>' '->' '=op' '&&' '||' 'c' INT CHAR FLOAT DOUBLE STRUCT AUTO STATIC EXTERN RETURN GOTO IF ELSE SWITCH BREAK CONTINUE WHILE DO FOR DEFAULT CASE ENTRY REGISTER SIZEOF LONG SHORT UNSIGNED TYPEDEF 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' identifier integer floatcon string # precedence information # < ',' > '=' '=op' > '?' ':' < '||' < '&&' < '|' < '^' < '&' < '==' '!=' < '<' '>' '<=' '>=' < '<<' '>>' < '+' '-' < '*' '/' '%' > '!' '~' > '++' '--' SIZEOF < '[' '(' '.' '->' # external definitions # program: program external_definition | external_definition: declaration | function_definition function_definition: function_specification function_body {afdef(#1,#2);} function_specification: decl_specifiers function_declarator {val=afdcl(1);} | function_declarator {val=afdcl(0);} function_body: formal_declarations compound_statement {val=#2;} formal_declarations: formal_decl_list {afpdcl();} | {afpdcl();} compound_statement: begin declaration_list statement_list end {val=#3;} | begin statement_list end {val=#2;} init_declarator_list: init_declarator | init_declarator_list ',' init_declarator init_declarator: $declarator initializer {aidecl();} | declarator {aidecl();} | function_declarator {adeclr(maktyp());} initializer: initial_value | '{' initial_value_expression_list '}' | '{' initial_value_expression_list ',' '}' initial_value_expression_list: initial_value_expression | initial_value_expression_list ',' initial_value_expression initial_value: integer {inz(i_int,#1);} | '-' integer {inz(i_int,-#2);} | floatcon {inz(i_float,#1);} | '-' floatcon {inz(i_negfloat,#2);} | identifier {inz(i_idn,#1);} | '&' identifier {inz(i_idn,#2);} | string {inz(i_string,#1);} initial_value_expression: constant {inz(i_int,#1);} | initial_value # declarations # declaration_list: declaration | declaration_list declaration declaration: decl_specifiers init_declarator_list ';' | literal_type_specifier ';' decl_specifiers: type_specifier {attrib(-1,#1);} | sc_specifier type_specifier {attrib(#1,#2);} | type_specifier sc_specifier {attrib(#2,#1);} type_specifier: type_identifier | literal_type_specifier literal_type_specifier: INT {val=TINT;} | CHAR {val=TCHAR;} | FLOAT {val=TFLOAT;} | DOUBLE {val=TDOUBLE;} | LONG {val=TINT;} | LONG INT {val=TINT;} | SHORT {val=TINT;} | SHORT INT {val=TINT;} | LONG FLOAT {val=TDOUBLE;} | UNSIGNED {val=TINT;} | UNSIGNED INT {val=TINT;} | struct '{' type_decl_list '}' {val=astruct(NULL,#3);} | struct $identifier '{' type_decl_list '}' {val=astruct(#2,#4);} | struct identifier {val=aostruct(#2);} sc_specifier: AUTO {val=c_auto;} | STATIC {val=c_static;} | EXTERN {val=c_extern;} | REGISTER {val=c_auto;} | TYPEDEF {val=c_typedef;} declarator_list: declarator | declarator_list ',' declarator declarator: dclr {val=adeclr(maktyp());} | identifier ':' constant {val=adeclr(afield(#1,#3));} | ':' constant {val=adeclr(afield(-1,#2));} $declarator: dclr {aiinz(adeclr(maktyp()));} dclr: '*' dclr {val=adclr(#2,MPTR);} | dclr '(' ')' {val=adclr(#1,MFUNC);} | dclr '[' ']' {val=adclr(#1,MARRAY,1);} | dclr '[' constant ']' {val=adclr(#1,MARRAY,#3);} | identifier {val=adclr(0,0);} | '(' dclr ')' {val=#2;} function_declarator: '*' function_declarator {val=adclr(#2,MPTR);} | function_declarator '(' ')' {val=adclr(#1,MFUNC);} | function_declarator '[' ']' {val=adclr(#1,MARRAY,1);} | function_declarator '[' constant ']' {val=adclr(#1,MARRAY,#3);} | identifier '(' ')' {val=adclr(adclr(0,0),MFUNC); parml=0;} | identifier '(' parameter_list ')' {val=adclr(adclr(0,0),MFUNC); parml=#3;} | '(' function_declarator ')' {val=#2;} parameter_list: identifier {val=push(#1);} | parameter_list ',' identifier {push(#3);} formal_decl_list: formal_declaration | formal_decl_list formal_declaration formal_declaration: type_declaration | REGISTER type_declaration type_decl_list: type_declaration | type_decl_list type_declaration type_declaration: $type_specifier declarator_list ';' {in_type_def=0; val=#2;} $type_specifier: type_specifier {in_type_def=1; attrib(-1,#1);} # statements # statement_list: statement | statement_list statement {val=astmtl(#1,#2);} statement: expression ';' {val=aexprstmt(#1);} | compound_statement | IF '(' expression ')' statement {val=aif(#3,#5,0);} | IF '(' expression ')' statement ELSE statement {val=aif(#3,#5,#7);} | while '(' expression ')' statement {val=awhile(#3,#5);} | for '(' .expression ';' .expression ';' .expression ')' statement {val=afor(#3,#5,#7,#9);} | do statement WHILE '(' expression ')' ';' {val=ado(#2,#5);} | switch '(' expression ')' statement {val=aswitch(#3,#5);} | CASE constant ':' statement {val=acase(#2,#4);} | DEFAULT ':' statement {val=adefault(#3);} | BREAK ';' {val=abreak();} | CONTINUE ';' {val=acontinue();} | RETURN ';' {val=areturn(0);} | RETURN expression ';' {val=areturn(#2);} | GOTO lexpression ';' {val=agoto(#2);} | identifier ':' statement {val=alabel(#1,#3);} | ENTRY identifier ':' statement {val=aentry(#2,#4);} | ';' {val=anull();} # expressions # .expression: expression | {val=0;} expression_list: expression = '=' | expression_list ',' expression {val=aelist(#1,#3);} expression: expression '*' expression {val=node(n_times,#1,#3);} | expression '/' expression {val=node(n_div,#1,#3);} | expression '%' expression {val=node(n_mod,#1,#3);} | expression '+' expression {val=node(n_plus,#1,#3);} | expression '-' expression {val=node(n_minus,#1,#3);} | expression '<<' expression {val=node(n_ls,#1,#3);} | expression '>>' expression {val=node(n_rs,#1,#3);} | expression '<' expression {val=node(n_lt,#1,#3);} | expression '>' expression {val=node(n_gt,#1,#3);} | expression '<=' expression {val=node(n_le,#1,#3);} | expression '>=' expression {val=node(n_ge,#1,#3);} | expression '==' expression {val=node(n_eq,#1,#3);} | expression '!=' expression {val=node(n_ne,#1,#3);} | expression '&' expression {val=node(n_band,#1,#3);} | expression '^' expression {val=node(n_bxor,#1,#3);} | expression '|' expression {val=node(n_bior,#1,#3);} | expression '&&' expression {val=node(n_tv_and,#1,#3);} | expression '||' expression {val=node(n_tv_or,#1,#3);} | expression '?' expression ':' expression {val=node(n_qmark,#1,node(n_colon,#3,#5));} | expression '=' expression {val=node(n_assign,#1,#3);} | expression '=op' expression {val=node(n_ars+#2,#1,#3);} | expression ',' expression {val=node(n_comma,#1,#3);} | term # the following productions are ordered very carefully so that the desired thing is done in the case of a R/R conflict # lexpression: expression | identifier {val=aidn(alidn(#1));} fterm: term | identifier {val=aidn(afidn(#1));} type_identifier: identifier {val=atidn(#1);} term: term '++' {val=node(n_inca,#1);} | term '--' {val=node(n_deca,#1);} | '*' term {val=node(n_star,#2);} | '&' term {val=node(n_addr,#2);} | '-' term {val=node(n_uminus,#2);} | '!' term {val=node(n_tvnot,#2);} | '~' term {val=node(n_bnot,#2);} | '++' term {val=node(n_incb,#2);} | '--' term {val=node(n_decb,#2);} | SIZEOF term {val=node(n_sizeof,#2);} | SIZEOF '(' cast_type ')' = SIZEOF {val=node(n_int,1);} # hack # | '(' cast_type ')' term = '++' {val=#4;} # hack # | term '[' expression ']' {val=asubscript(#1,#3);} | fterm '(' expression_list ')' {val=acall(#1,#3);} | fterm '(' ')' {val=acall(#1,0);} | term '.' identifier {val=adot(#1,#3);} | term '->' identifier {val=aptr(#1,#3);} | identifier {val=aidn(aeidn(#1));} | integer {val=node(n_int,#1);} | floatcon {val=node(n_float,#1);} | string {val=node(n_string,#1);} | '(' expression ')' {val=#2;} cast_type: literal_type_specifier null_decl null_decl: # empty # | '(' ')' | '(' null_decl ')' '(' ')' | '*' null_decl | null_decl '[' ']' | null_decl '[' constant ']' | '(' null_decl ')' while: WHILE {apshw();} do: DO {apshd();} for: FOR {apshf();} switch: SWITCH {apshs();} struct: STRUCT {strlev++;} $identifier: identifier {val=astridn(#1);} begin: '{' {abegin();} end: '}' {aend();} constant: constant '*' constant {val=#1*#3;} | constant '/' constant {val=#1/#3;} | constant '%' constant {val=#1%#3;} | constant '+' constant {val=#1+#3;} | constant '-' constant {val=#1-#3;} | constant '<<' constant {val=#1<<#3;} | constant '>>' constant {val=#1>>#3;} | constant '<' constant {val=#1<#3;} | constant '>' constant {val=#1>#3;} | constant '<=' constant {val=#1<=#3;} | constant '>=' constant {val=#1>=#3;} | constant '==' constant {val=#1==#3;} | constant '!=' constant {val=#1!=#3;} | constant '&' constant {val=#1} | constant '^' constant {val=#1^#3;} | constant '|' constant {val=#1|#3;} | constant '&&' constant {val=#1&} | constant '||' constant {val=#1||#3;} | constant '?' constant ':' constant {val=(#1?#3:#5);} | c_term c_term: '-' c_term {val= -#2;} | '!' c_term {val= !#2;} | '~' c_term {val= ~#2;} | integer | '(' constant ')' {val=#2;}