Suddenly I fell like I'm in a TECO support group ;) I have my own implementations of TECO - both on UNIX and MSDOS (of all things). They both do colorization of structured programming, something that preceded EMACs colorization by a few years. I always wondered if my released MSDOS version of TECO gave people ideas. When did EMACS start coloring things? I started it in my TECO as of around 1984-1985 - it supported it in text strings, parentheses, etc. From my MSDOS version, showing some MASM code: The structured macros were inspired by Bruce Maier's structured macros he did for MACRO-10 on TOPS-10 in the mid to late 70's. On 11/15/2017 2:01 PM, Clem Cole wrote: > > > On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Bakul Shah > wrote: > > Tom Almy's version, > > > ​I'd forgotten Tom was a teco guy.   I'm not sure what happened too > it, but at some point Tom and I got the RT11 version (which was in > Macro-11 assembler) running in V7 @ Tektronix ​before we had vi. Tom > was the biggest user at that point.  I was running something Phil Karn > had brought to CMU from Cornell (and I took to Tektronix) called > 'fred' (friendly ed) which had compiled in terminal support. Fred > supported glass tty's; which is why I liked it even though I knew teco > & emacs from my 10's days.   Mark Bales came up from Berkeley later > that summer and brought 1BSD/2BSD with him (that's when I learned csh > and reprogrammed my fingers to the current rom configuration).  > Gosling Emacs for UNIX does not show up until we started running Vaxen > and had the address space, so at the time it was ed, fred, vi, teco on > the 11s. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: dmddfbedoblifaak.png Type: image/png Size: 60010 bytes Desc: not available URL: