From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: sms@2BSD.COM (Steven M. Schultz) Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 20:15:59 -0800 (PST) Subject: [pups] Trouble with 2.11BSD and CQD-220 Message-ID: <> hi - > From: "Chuck Dickman" > fine. Except... I cannot get it to boot directly from the SCSI drive. > > More detail.... The processor is an 11/73 and the SCSI controller is a > CMD CQD-220 with a Fujitsu 220MB drive. The CQD-220 is set as the primary > MSCP controller and an RQDX3 with an RX50 drive as the secondary MSCP... > > .: ra(0,0,0)unix > > boots unix from the SCSI drive. > > When booting from the SCSI drive, the boot sector is loaded into memory > and then relocated. It hangs waiting for the MSCP controller to respond. > I have not diagnosed it to the command that hangs. Bug in the CMD controller but CMD isn't unique - others have had the problem as well. The bug is that the controller insists on an interrupt vector being presented during the 3 or 4 step initialization protocol. The 2BSD boot block code is running without interrupts enabled and does not provide an interrupt vector. The result is an endless loop waiting for the controller to say it is done. > Is anybody else booting 2.11BSD directly from a drive attached to a > CQD-220? Perhaps the appended patch (#432) will be of use ;) The patchlevel of the 2.11 in the PUPS archive is 431 if I looked at the right direcctory (you can check the rev level by looking at the first couple lines of /VERSION). Patch rauboot.s and reinstall the bootblock - I think that will fix your problem of booting directly from the CMD attached disk. Steven Schultz sms at ------------------------cut here---------------------- Subject: Y2K troff fix, 4.3compat remnant removed, misc cleanup (#432) Index: share/tmac/{,tmac.s},sys/sys/{several},others 2.11BSD Description: 1. The 'ms', 'man' and 'me' troff macro packages do not correctly handle dates past 1999. 2. There was some unused 4.3BSD compatibility code lingering in the kernel taking up I space. 3. Kermit coredumps with an illegal system call. 4. rlogin(1), resolver(3), contained some Vax/Sun/4.3BSD conditional code that was no longer needed. 5. The MSCP bootblock could not boot disks attached to a TD Systems Viking MSCP controller. 6. /etc/rc.local uses strings(1) on the kernel image instead of simply asking the kernel for its version information with "sysctl kern.version". There's no reason why /etc/motd needs to be publically writeable. 7. sysctl 'kern.ostype' and 'kern.osrelease' return the same information which is silly (and a bit useless). 8. BSD in param.h was defined as "211" which makes date/time comparisons meaningless ("#if BSD > 199910"). Repeat-By: 1. Format a document that uses the "-ms" macro package and has dates in it. Notice that the date will be "October 6, 19100" instead of "October 6 2000". 2 - 4. Observation. 5. Have a MSCP disk attached to a TD Viking Systems controller. The boot block will go into an endless loop waiting for the controller to respond. 6 - 7. Observation. Fix: A big thank you to Frank Wortnet for spotting and fixing the troff macros. Thanks to Tim Shoppa for tracking down the problem with the Viking MSCP controller and providing the tweek to the RA bootblock. I forget who submitted the suggestion that /etc/motd not be publically writeable. Thanks. The remaining parts of the update are various odds and ends that have been gathering since May or June 2000 but never made it out as an update due to time contraints. When the 4.3 compatibility code was ripped out a couple parts were overlooked. They're not used and just take up space in the kernel (a few bytes here, a few bytes there and fitting the overlays together is made harder than it need be) and also slowed the system slightly due to calling 'helper' functions (function call/return are fairly expensive). Another overlooked item when the compatibility code was removed was the Kermit program. At the time the old system calls were removed it was necessary to rebuild the entire system from sources. Kermit is (due to its size) not rebuilt along with the rest of the system. Thus, if you attempt to run Kermit it coredumps with an illegal system call. All that is needed is a recompile (takes about an hour). Having sysctl(3) return the same information for 'kern.ostype' and 'kern.osrelease' was a mistake. This has been changed to be more useful. 'sysctl kern.ostype' now returns "BSD" and 'sysctl kern.osrelease' returns "2.11". In the BSD define has been changed from 211 to 200005 (year 2000, month 5) to more accurately reflect the system's capabilities. Basically 'BSD' has changed from an encoded release value to a stylized date value. Sections of the kernel (and several userland programs) which relied on "#if BSD < 43" to select old compatibility features were modified or removed as a result of changing the meaning of 'BSD' in param.h. Indeed much of the size of the patch is directly related to the change in param.h rlogin(1) was cleaned up. Standard include files were used rather than locally declaring functions such as index(3) and so on. As long as rlogin was being worked on the sources and the manpage were relocated in accordance with the convention that the manpage source goes into the sourcecode directory. The update kit below is a shar file containing 4 files: 432.patch = a file to be fed thru patch(1) = a shell script to rearrange rlogin(1)'s files 432.rm = a shell script to remove old rlogin(1) files 432.shar = a shar file of rlogin(1)'s new Makefile The two shell scripts are small (just two or three commands each). The commands could of course be typed in manually if desired. To install the update cut where indicated below and save to a file (/tmp/432) and then: cd /tmp sh 432 ./ ./432.rm sh 432.shar patch -p0 < 432.patch Watch carefully for any rejected parts of the patch. Failure of a patch typically means the system was not current on all preceeding updates _or_ that local modifications have been made. Next rebuild Kermit if this has not previously been done: cd /usr/src/new/kermit5.188 make bsd211 cp wermit /usr/new/kermit make clean The updated troff macros are installed next: cd /usr/src/share/me make install cd /usr/src/share/tmac make install It is not required to build a new kernel at this time since the only changes were to remove code that was not being used. One reason to build a new kernel would be to make sure the overlay structure is still valid: cd /sys/YOUR_KERNEL make clean make and then install as usual Lastly the MSCP bootblock is recompiled and installed in /mdec: cd /sys/mdec install -m 444 rauboot /mdec/rauboot make clean As always this and previous updates to 2.11BSD are available via anonymous FTP to either FTP.IIPO.GTEGSC.COM or MOE.2BSD.COM in the directory /pub/2.11BSD. ============================cut here=========================== #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create: # 432.rm # # 432.shar # 432.patch # This archive created: Fri Oct 13 21:52:42 2000 export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH if test -f '432.rm' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file '432.rm'" else sed 's/^B//' << \SHAR_EOF > '432.rm' B B#!/bin/sh B Brm -f /usr/src/man/man1/rlogin.1 Brm -f /usr/src/ucb/rlogin.c SHAR_EOF chmod 755 '432.rm' fi if test -f '' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file ''" else sed 's/^B//' << \SHAR_EOF > '' B#!/bin/sh B Bset -e Bumask 22 B Bmkdir -p /usr/src/ucb/rlogin Bcp -p /usr/src/ucb/rlogin.c /usr/src/ucb/rlogin/rlogin.c Bcp -p /usr/src/man/man1/rlogin.1 /usr/src/ucb/rlogin/rlogin.1 SHAR_EOF chmod 755 '' fi if test -f '432.shar' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file '432.shar'" else sed 's/^B//' << \SHAR_EOF > '432.shar' B#! /bin/sh B# This is a shell archive, meaning: B# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. B# 2. Save the resulting text in a file. B# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create: B# /usr/src/ucb/rlogin/Makefile B# This archive created: Thu Oct 12 21:10:13 2000 Bexport PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH Bif test -f '/usr/src/ucb/rlogin/Makefile' Bthen B echo shar: "will not over-write existing file '/usr/src/ucb/rlogin/Makefile'" Belse Bsed 's/^Z//' << \SHAR_EOF > '/usr/src/ucb/rlogin/Makefile' BZ# BZ# Public Domain. 1996/11/16 - Steven Schultz BZ# BZ# @(#)Makefile 1.0 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 BZ# BZCFLAGS= -O BZSEPFLAG= -i BZSRCS= rlogin.c BZOBJS= rlogin.o BZMAN= rlogin.0 BZMANSRC= rlogin.1 BZ BZall: rlogin rlogin.0 BZ BZrlogin: ${OBJS} BZ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${SEPFLAG} -o $@ ${OBJS} BZ BZrlogin.0: ${MANSRC} BZ /usr/man/manroff ${MANSRC} > ${MAN} BZ BZclean: BZ rm -f ${OBJS} ${MAN} rlogin tags BZ BZdepend: ${SRCS} BZ mkdep ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} BZ BZinstall: rlogin BZ install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 ${MAN} ${DESTDIR}/usr/man/cat1 BZ install -s -o root -g bin -m 4755 rlogin ${DESTDIR}/usr/ucb/rlogin BZ BZlint: ${SRCS} BZ lint -hax ${SRCS} BZ BZtags: ${SRCS} BZ ctags ${SRCS} BZ# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it. BZ# DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY. BSHAR_EOF Bfi Bexit 0 B# End of shell archive SHAR_EOF chmod 644 '432.shar' fi if test -f '432.patch' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file '432.patch'" else sed 's/^B//' << \SHAR_EOF > '432.patch' B*** /etc/rc.local.old Sat Nov 16 16:23:44 1996 B--- /etc/rc.local Wed May 17 21:00:28 2000 B*************** B*** 1,10 **** B #! /bin/sh - B # site-specific startup actions, daemons B B! strings /vmunix | grep UNIX >/tmp/t1 B tail +2 /etc/motd >>/tmp/t1 B mv /tmp/t1 /etc/motd B! chmod 666 /etc/motd B B echo -n starting local daemons: >/dev/console 2>&1 B #if [ $INET = YES -a -f /usr/sbin/timed ]; then B--- 1,10 ---- B #! /bin/sh - B # site-specific startup actions, daemons B B! sysctl -n kern.version | head -1 > /tmp/t1 B tail +2 /etc/motd >>/tmp/t1 B mv /tmp/t1 /etc/motd B! chmod 644 /etc/motd B B echo -n starting local daemons: >/dev/console 2>&1 B #if [ $INET = YES -a -f /usr/sbin/timed ]; then B*** /usr/src/sys/sys/kern_sysctl.c.old Wed Aug 11 19:40:36 1999 B--- /usr/src/sys/sys/kern_sysctl.c Wed May 17 20:01:48 2000 B*************** B*** 33,39 **** B * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF B * SUCH DAMAGE. B * B! * @(#)kern_sysctl.c 8.4.11 (2.11BSD) 1999/8/11 B */ B B /* B--- 33,39 ---- B * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF B * SUCH DAMAGE. B * B! * @(#)kern_sysctl.c 8.4.12 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B */ B B /* B*************** B*** 195,204 **** B B switch (name[0]) { B case KERN_OSTYPE: B case KERN_OSRELEASE: B! /* code is cheaper than D space */ B! bsd[0]='2';bsd[1]='.';bsd[2]='1';bsd[3]='1';bsd[4]='B'; B! bsd[5]='S';bsd[6]='D';bsd[7]='\0'; B return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp, bsd)); B case KERN_ACCTTHRESH: B level = Acctthresh; B--- 195,204 ---- B B switch (name[0]) { B case KERN_OSTYPE: B+ bsd[0]='B';bsd[1]='S';bsd[2]='D';bsd[3]='\0'; B+ return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp, bsd)); B case KERN_OSRELEASE: B! bsd[0]='2';bsd[1]='.';bsd[2]='1';bsd[3]='1';bsd[4]='\0'; B return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp, bsd)); B case KERN_ACCTTHRESH: B level = Acctthresh; B*** /usr/src/sys/sys/kern_prot2.c.old Sun Feb 20 18:13:08 2000 B--- /usr/src/sys/sys/kern_prot2.c Tue Aug 1 20:44:47 2000 B*************** B*** 35,41 **** B * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF B * SUCH DAMAGE. B * B! * @(#)kern_prot2.c 8.9.2 (2.11BSD) 2000/2/20 B */ B B #include "param.h" B--- 35,41 ---- B * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF B * SUCH DAMAGE. B * B! * @(#)kern_prot2.c 8.9.3 (2.11BSD) 2000/8/1 B */ B B #include "param.h" B*************** B*** 49,72 **** B B int B setuid() B! { B struct a { B uid_t uid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B B- return(_setuid(uap->uid)); B- } B- B- /* B- * This is a helper function used by setuid() above and the 4.3BSD B- * compatibility code. When the latter goes away this can be joined B- * back into the above code and save a function call. B- */ B- int B- _setuid(uid) B- register uid_t uid; B- { B- B if (uid != u.u_ruid && !suser()) B return(u.u_error); B /* B--- 49,60 ---- B B int B setuid() B! { B struct a { B uid_t uid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B+ register uid_t uid = uap->uid; B B if (uid != u.u_ruid && !suser()) B return(u.u_error); B /* B*************** B*** 78,84 **** B QUOTAMAP(); B if (u.u_quota->q_uid != uid) { B qclean(); B! qstart(getquota((uid_t)uid, 0, 0)); B } B QUOTAUNMAP(); B #endif B--- 66,72 ---- B QUOTAMAP(); B if (u.u_quota->q_uid != uid) { B qclean(); B! qstart(getquota(uid, 0, 0)); B } B QUOTAUNMAP(); B #endif B*************** B*** 88,94 **** B u.u_ruid = uid; B u.u_svuid = uid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return (u.u_error = 0); B } B B int B--- 76,82 ---- B u.u_ruid = uid; B u.u_svuid = uid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return(u.u_error = 0); B } B B int B*************** B*** 97,119 **** B struct a { B uid_t euid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B B! return(_seteuid(uap->euid)); B! } B! B! int B! _seteuid(euid) B! register uid_t euid; B! { B! B! if (euid != u.u_ruid && euid != u.u_svuid && !suser()) B! return (u.u_error); B /* B * Everything's okay, do it. B */ B u.u_uid = euid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return (u.u_error = 0); B } B B int B--- 85,100 ---- B struct a { B uid_t euid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B+ register uid_t euid = uap->euid; B B! if (euid != u.u_ruid && euid != u.u_svuid && !suser()) B! return(u.u_error); B /* B * Everything's okay, do it. B */ B u.u_uid = euid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return(u.u_error = 0); B } B B int B*************** B*** 122,143 **** B struct a { B gid_t gid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B! B! return(_setgid(uap->gid)); B! } B B- int B- _setgid(gid) B- register gid_t gid; B- { B- B if (gid != u.u_rgid && !suser()) B! return (u.u_error); /* XXX */ B u.u_groups[0] = gid; /* effective gid is u_groups[0] */ B u.u_rgid = gid; B u.u_svgid = gid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return (u.u_error = 0); B } B B int B--- 103,117 ---- B struct a { B gid_t gid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B! register gid_t gid = uap->gid; B B if (gid != u.u_rgid && !suser()) B! return(u.u_error); /* XXX */ B u.u_groups[0] = gid; /* effective gid is u_groups[0] */ B u.u_rgid = gid; B u.u_svgid = gid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return(u.u_error = 0); B } B B int B*************** B*** 146,163 **** B struct a { B gid_t egid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B B- return(_setegid(uap->egid)); B- } B- B- int B- _setegid(egid) B- register gid_t egid; B- { B- B if (egid != u.u_rgid && egid != u.u_svgid && !suser()) B! return (u.u_error); B u.u_groups[0] = egid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return (u.u_error = 0); B } B--- 120,130 ---- B struct a { B gid_t egid; B } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; B+ register gid_t egid = uap->egid; B B if (egid != u.u_rgid && egid != u.u_svgid && !suser()) B! return(u.u_error); B u.u_groups[0] = egid; B u.u_acflag |= ASUGID; B! return(u.u_error = 0); B } B*** /usr/src/sys/sys/subr_prf.c.old Sat Dec 5 17:34:36 1998 B--- /usr/src/sys/sys/subr_prf.c Tue Aug 1 20:46:48 2000 B*************** B*** 3,9 **** B * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement B * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. B * B! * @(#)subr_prf.c 1.2 (2.11BSD) 1998/12/5 B */ B B #include "param.h" B--- 3,9 ---- B * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement B * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. B * B! * @(#)subr_prf.c 1.3 (2.11BSD) 2000/8/1 B */ B B #include "param.h" B*************** B*** 300,306 **** B * about failing disk tranfers. B */ B harderr(bp, cp) B! struct buf *bp; B char *cp; B { B printf("%s%d%c: hard error sn%D ", cp, B--- 300,306 ---- B * about failing disk tranfers. B */ B harderr(bp, cp) B! register struct buf *bp; B char *cp; B { B printf("%s%d%c: hard error sn%D ", cp, B*** /usr/src/sys/h/param.h.old Wed Sep 15 19:38:45 1999 B--- /usr/src/sys/h/param.h Wed May 17 20:10:44 2000 B*************** B*** 3,12 **** B * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement B * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. B * B! * @(#)param.h 1.6 (2.11BSD) 1999/9/5 B */ B B! #define BSD 211 /* 2.11 * 10, as cpp doesn't do floats */ B B #include B #include /* for 'offsetof' */ B--- 3,12 ---- B * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement B * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. B * B! * @(#)param.h 1.7 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B */ B B! #define BSD 200005 /* System version (year and month) */ B B #include B #include /* for 'offsetof' */ B*** /usr/src/sys/mdec/rauboot.s.old Wed May 31 19:54:49 1995 B--- /usr/src/sys/mdec/rauboot.s Wed May 17 19:54:13 2000 B*************** B*** 298,304 **** B clr (r0) / Tell controller we go it B rts pc B B! icons: RAERR B ra+RARING B 0 B RAGO B--- 298,309 ---- B clr (r0) / Tell controller we go it B rts pc B B! / Some adaptors (TD Systems Viking for example) require the vector field B! / to be initialized even though interrupts are not enabled. Use the primary B! / vector of 0154. The standalone MSCP driver does the same thing and later on B! / the kernel programs the adaptor with an assigned vector B! B! icons: RAERR + 033 / 033 = 0154 >> 2 B ra+RARING B 0 B RAGO B*** /usr/src/sys/netinet/raw_ip.c.old Fri Jul 7 13:30:17 1989 B--- /usr/src/sys/netinet/raw_ip.c Wed May 17 20:15:14 2000 B*************** B*** 9,15 **** B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)raw_ip.c 7.3 (Berkeley) 12/7/87 B */ B B #include "param.h" B--- 9,15 ---- B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)raw_ip.c 7.3.1 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B */ B B #include "param.h" B*************** B*** 61,71 **** B int error; B struct rawcb *rp = sotorawcb(so); B struct sockaddr_in *sin; B- #if BSD>=43 B short proto = rp->rcb_proto.sp_protocol; B! #else B! short proto = so->so_proto->pr_protocol; B! #endif B /* B * if the protocol is IPPROTO_RAW, the user handed us a B * complete IP packet. Otherwise, allocate an mbuf for a B--- 61,68 ---- B int error; B struct rawcb *rp = sotorawcb(so); B struct sockaddr_in *sin; B short proto = rp->rcb_proto.sp_protocol; B! B /* B * if the protocol is IPPROTO_RAW, the user handed us a B * complete IP packet. Otherwise, allocate an mbuf for a B*************** B*** 113,125 **** B B ip->ip_dst = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&rp->rcb_faddr)->sin_addr; B B- #if BSD>=43 B return (ip_output(m, rp->rcb_options, &rp->rcb_route, B (so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE) | IP_ALLOWBROADCAST)); B- #else B- return (ip_output(m, (struct mbuf *)0, &rp->rcb_route, B- (so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE) | IP_ALLOWBROADCAST)); B- #endif B bad: B m_freem(m); B return (error); B--- 110,117 ---- B*** /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_input.c.old Sat May 7 14:43:47 1988 B--- /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_input.c Wed May 17 20:17:27 2000 B*************** B*** 9,15 **** B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_input.c (Berkeley) 3/16/88 B */ B B #include "param.h" B--- 9,15 ---- B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_input.c (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B */ B B #include "param.h" B*************** B*** 321,329 **** B inp = (struct inpcb *)so->so_pcb; B inp->inp_laddr = ti->ti_dst; B inp->inp_lport = ti->ti_dport; B- #if BSD>=43 B inp->inp_options = ip_srcroute(); B- #endif B tp = intotcpcb(inp); B tp->t_state = TCPS_LISTEN; B } B--- 321,327 ---- B*************** B*** 491,507 **** B ti->ti_seq++; B if (ti->ti_len > tp->rcv_wnd) { B todrop = ti->ti_len - tp->rcv_wnd; B- #if BSD>=43 B m_adj(m, -todrop); B- #else B- /* XXX work around 4.2 m_adj bug */ B- if (m->m_len) { B- m_adj(m, -todrop); B- } else { B- /* skip tcp/ip header in first mbuf */ B- m_adj(m->m_next, -todrop); B- } B- #endif B ti->ti_len = tp->rcv_wnd; B tiflags &= ~TH_FIN; B tcpstat.tcps_rcvpackafterwin++; B--- 489,495 ---- B*************** B*** 615,631 **** B goto dropafterack; B } else B tcpstat.tcps_rcvbyteafterwin += todrop; B- #if BSD>=43 B m_adj(m, -todrop); B- #else B- /* XXX work around m_adj bug */ B- if (m->m_len) { B- m_adj(m, -todrop); B- } else { B- /* skip tcp/ip header in first mbuf */ B- m_adj(m->m_next, -todrop); B- } B- #endif B ti->ti_len -= todrop; B tiflags &= ~(TH_PUSH|TH_FIN); B } B--- 603,609 ---- B*************** B*** 1290,1323 **** B tp->snd_cwnd = mss; B return (mss); B } B- B- #if BSD<43 B- /* XXX this belongs in netinet/in.c */ B- in_localaddr(in) B- struct in_addr in; B- { B- register u_long i = ntohl(in.s_addr); B- register struct ifnet *ifp; B- register struct sockaddr_in *sin; B- register u_long mask; B- B- if (IN_CLASSA(i)) B- mask = IN_CLASSA_NET; B- else if (IN_CLASSB(i)) B- mask = IN_CLASSB_NET; B- else if (IN_CLASSC(i)) B- mask = IN_CLASSC_NET; B- else B- return (0); B- B- i &= mask; B- for (ifp = ifnet; ifp; ifp = ifp->if_next) { B- if (ifp->if_addr.sa_family != AF_INET) B- continue; B- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifp->if_addr; B- if ((sin->sin_addr.s_addr & mask) == i) B- return (1); B- } B- return (0); B- } B- #endif B--- 1268,1270 ---- B*** /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c.old Tue Oct 10 22:39:54 1995 B--- /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c Wed May 17 20:18:48 2000 B*************** B*** 9,15 **** B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_output.c (Berkeley) 1995/10/10 B */ B B #include "param.h" B--- 9,15 ---- B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_output.c (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B */ B B #include "param.h" B*************** B*** 390,402 **** B */ B ((struct ip *)ti)->ip_len = sizeof (struct tcpiphdr) + optlen + len; B ((struct ip *)ti)->ip_ttl = ip_defttl; /* XXX */ B- #if BSD>=43 B error = ip_output(m, tp->t_inpcb->inp_options, &tp->t_inpcb->inp_route, B so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE); B- #else B- error = ip_output(m, (struct mbuf *)0, &tp->t_inpcb->inp_route, B- so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE); B- #endif B if (error) { B if (error == ENOBUFS) { B tcp_quench(tp->t_inpcb); B--- 390,397 ---- B*** /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_timer.c.old Thu Apr 28 16:25:02 1988 B--- /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_timer.c Wed May 17 20:19:44 2000 B*************** B*** 9,15 **** B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_timer.c (Berkeley) 3/16/88 B */ B B #include "param.h" B--- 9,15 ---- B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_timer.c (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B */ B B #include "param.h" B*************** B*** 178,186 **** B * retransmit times until then. B */ B if (tp->t_rxtshift > TCP_MAXRXTSHIFT / 4) { B- #if BSD>=43 B in_losing(tp->t_inpcb); B- #endif B tp->t_rttvar += (tp->t_srtt >> 2); B tp->t_srtt = 0; B } B--- 178,184 ---- B*** /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_usrreq.c.old Thu Apr 28 16:26:57 1988 B--- /usr/src/sys/netinet/tcp_usrreq.c Wed May 17 20:20:49 2000 B*************** B*** 9,15 **** B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_usrreq.c (Berkeley) 3/16/88 B */ B B #include "param.h" B--- 9,15 ---- B * software without specific prior written permission. This software B * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. B * B! * @(#)tcp_usrreq.c (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B */ B B #include "param.h" B*************** B*** 61,74 **** B int error = 0; B int ostate; B B- #if BSD>=43 B if (req == PRU_CONTROL) B return (in_control(so, (int)m, (caddr_t)nam, B (struct ifnet *)rights)); B- #else B- if (req == PRU_CONTROL) B- return(EOPNOTSUPP); B- #endif B if (rights && rights->m_len) B return (EINVAL); B B--- 61,69 ---- B*************** B*** 317,323 **** B return (error); B } B B- #if BSD>=43 B tcp_ctloutput(op, so, level, optname, mp) B int op; B struct socket *so; B--- 312,317 ---- B*************** B*** 375,381 **** B } B return (error); B } B- #endif B B int tcp_sendspace = 1024*4; B int tcp_recvspace = 1024*4; B--- 369,374 ---- B*** /usr/src/etc/rc.local.old Fri Jan 10 20:54:34 1997 B--- /usr/src/etc/rc.local Wed May 17 21:01:41 2000 B*************** B*** 1,10 **** B #! /bin/sh - B # site-specific startup actions, daemons B B! strings /vmunix | grep UNIX >/tmp/t1 B tail +2 /etc/motd >>/tmp/t1 B mv /tmp/t1 /etc/motd B! chmod 666 /etc/motd B B echo -n starting local daemons: >/dev/console 2>&1 B #if [ $INET = YES -a -f /usr/sbin/timed ]; then B--- 1,10 ---- B #! /bin/sh - B # site-specific startup actions, daemons B B! sysctl -n kern.version | head -1 > /tmp/t1 B tail +2 /etc/motd >>/tmp/t1 B mv /tmp/t1 /etc/motd B! chmod 644 /etc/motd B B echo -n starting local daemons: >/dev/console 2>&1 B #if [ $INET = YES -a -f /usr/sbin/timed ]; then B*** /usr/src/lib/libc/net/named/gethnamadr.c.old Sun Jul 10 18:04:23 1994 B--- /usr/src/lib/libc/net/named/gethnamadr.c Wed May 17 20:22:57 2000 B*************** B*** 11,18 **** B */ B B #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)gethostnamadr.c 6.31.2 (2.11BSD GTE) 6/27/94"; B! #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */ B B #include B #include B--- 11,18 ---- B */ B B #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)gethostnamadr.c 6.31.3 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17"; B! #endif B B #include B #include B*************** B*** 112,120 **** B ap = host_aliases; B host.h_aliases = host_aliases; B hap = h_addr_ptrs; B- #if BSD >= 43 || defined(h_addr) /* new-style hostent structure */ B host.h_addr_list = h_addr_ptrs; B- #endif B haveanswer = 0; B while (--ancount >= 0 && cp < eom) { B if ((n = dn_expand((char *)answer->buf, eom, cp, bp, buflen)) < 0) B--- 112,118 ---- B*************** B*** 190,200 **** B } B if (haveanswer) { B *ap = NULL; B- #if BSD >= 43 || defined(h_addr) /* new-style hostent structure */ B *hap = NULL; B- #else B- host.h_addr = h_addr_ptrs[0]; B- #endif B return (&host); B } else { B h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; B--- 188,194 ---- B*************** B*** 320,328 **** B goto again; B *cp++ = '\0'; B /* THIS STUFF IS INTERNET SPECIFIC */ B- #if BSD >= 43 || defined(h_addr) /* new-style hostent structure */ B host.h_addr_list = host_addrs; B- #endif B host.h_addr = hostaddr; B *((u_long *)host.h_addr) = inet_addr(p); B host.h_length = sizeof (u_long); B--- 314,320 ---- B*** /usr/src/lib/libc/net/res_send.c.old Sun Jun 26 17:22:50 1994 B--- /usr/src/lib/libc/net/res_send.c Wed May 17 20:27:18 2000 B*************** B*** 11,18 **** B */ B B #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)res_send.c 6.19.1 (Berkeley) 6/27/94"; B! #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */ B B /* B * Send query to name server and wait for reply. B--- 11,18 ---- B */ B B #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)res_send.c 6.19.2 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17"; B! #endif B B /* B * Send query to name server and wait for reply. B*************** B*** 28,48 **** B #include B #include B B- extern int errno; B- B static int s = -1; /* socket used for communications */ B static struct sockaddr no_addr; B- B B- #ifndef FD_SET B- #define NFDBITS 32 B- #define FD_SETSIZE 32 B- #define FD_SET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] |= (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) B- #define FD_CLR(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] &= ~(1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) B- #define FD_ISSET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] & (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) B- #define FD_ZERO(p) bzero((char *)(p), sizeof(*(p))) B- #endif B- B #define KEEPOPEN (RES_USEVC|RES_STAYOPEN) B B res_send(buf, buflen, answer, anslen) B--- 28,36 ---- B*************** B*** 199,205 **** B */ B if (s < 0) B s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); B- #if BSD >= 43 B if (_res.nscount == 1 || retry == _res.retry) { B /* B * Don't use connect if we might B--- 187,192 ---- B*************** B*** 224,233 **** B #endif DEBUG B continue; B } B! } else B! #endif BSD B! if (sendto(s, buf, buflen, 0, &_res.nsaddr_list[ns], B! sizeof(struct sockaddr)) != buflen) { B #ifdef DEBUG B if (_res.options & RES_DEBUG) B perror("sendto"); B--- 211,218 ---- B #endif DEBUG B continue; B } B! } else if (sendto(s,buf,buflen,0,&_res.nsaddr_list[ns], B! sizeof(struct sockaddr)) != buflen) { B #ifdef DEBUG B if (_res.options & RES_DEBUG) B perror("sendto"); B*** /usr/src/ucb/netstat/inet.c.old Sun Aug 28 10:53:19 1994 B--- /usr/src/ucb/netstat/inet.c Wed May 17 20:29:47 2000 B*************** B*** 11,17 **** B */ B B #if defined(DOSCCS) && !defined(lint) B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)inet.c 5.9.3 (2.11BSD GTE) 8/28/94"; B #endif B B #include B--- 11,17 ---- B */ B B #if defined(DOSCCS) && !defined(lint) B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)inet.c 5.9.4 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17"; B #endif B B #include B*************** B*** 243,252 **** B return; B klseek(kmem, off, 0); B read(kmem, (char *)&ipstat, sizeof (ipstat)); B- #if BSD>=43 B printf("%s:\n\t%lu total packets received\n", name, B ipstat.ips_total); B- #endif B printf("\t%lu bad header checksum%s\n", B ipstat.ips_badsum, plural(ipstat.ips_badsum)); B printf("\t%lu with size smaller than minimum\n", ipstat.ips_toosmall); B--- 243,250 ---- B*************** B*** 253,259 **** B printf("\t%lu with data size < data length\n", ipstat.ips_tooshort); B printf("\t%lu with header length < data size\n", ipstat.ips_badhlen); B printf("\t%lu with data length < header length\n", ipstat.ips_badlen); B- #if BSD>=43 B printf("\t%lu fragment%s received\n", B ipstat.ips_fragments, plural(ipstat.ips_fragments)); B printf("\t%lu fragment%s dropped (dup or out of space)\n", B--- 251,256 ---- B*************** B*** 266,272 **** B ipstat.ips_cantforward, plural(ipstat.ips_cantforward)); B printf("\t%lu redirect%s sent\n", B ipstat.ips_redirectsent, plural(ipstat.ips_redirectsent)); B- #endif B } B B static char *icmpnames[] = { B--- 263,268 ---- B*** /usr/src/ucb/rlogin/rlogin.c.old Wed May 7 19:45:04 1997 B--- /usr/src/ucb/rlogin/rlogin.c Wed May 17 20:44:43 2000 B*************** B*** 9,15 **** B "@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.\n\ B All rights reserved.\n"; B B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rlogin.c 5.10.1 (2.11BSD) 1997/3/28"; B #endif B B /* B--- 9,15 ---- B "@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.\n\ B All rights reserved.\n"; B B! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rlogin.c 5.10.2 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17"; B #endif B B /* B*************** B*** 28,33 **** B--- 28,35 ---- B #include B #include B #include B+ #include B+ #include B #include B #include B B*************** B*** 35,42 **** B # define TIOCPKT_WINDOW 0x80 B # endif TIOCPKT_WINDOW B B- char *index(), *rindex(), *malloc(), *getenv(); B- struct passwd *getpwuid(); B char *name; B int rem; B char cmdchar = '~'; B--- 37,42 ---- B*************** B*** 46,66 **** B { "0", "50", "75", "110", "134", "150", "200", "300", B "600", "1200", "1800", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "38400" }; B char term[256] = "network"; B- extern int errno; B int lostpeer(); B int dosigwinch = 0; B- #ifndef sigmask B- #define sigmask(m) (1L << ((m)-1)) B- #endif B- #ifdef sun B- struct ttysize winsize; B- struct winsize { B- unsigned short ws_row, ws_col; B- unsigned short ws_xpixel, ws_ypixel; B- }; B- #else sun B struct winsize winsize; B- #endif sun B int sigwinch(), oob(); B B main(argc, argv) B--- 46,54 ---- B*************** B*** 132,142 **** B strcat(term, "/"); B strcat(term, speeds[ttyb.sg_ospeed]); B } B- #ifdef sun B- (void) ioctl(0, TIOCGSIZE, &winsize); B- #else sun B (void) ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize); B- #endif sun B signal(SIGPIPE, lostpeer); B signal(SIGURG, oob); B oldmask = sigblock(sigmask(SIGURG)); B--- 120,126 ---- B*************** B*** 177,183 **** B doit(oldmask) B long oldmask; B { B- int exit(); B struct sgttyb sb; B B ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sb); B--- 161,166 ---- B*************** B*** 349,369 **** B sigwinch(); /* check for size changes */ B } B B- #ifdef sun B sigwinch() B { B- struct ttysize ws; B- B- if (dosigwinch && ioctl(0, TIOCGSIZE, &ws) == 0 && B- bcmp(&ws, &winsize, sizeof (ws))) { B- winsize = ws; B- sendwindow(); B- } B- } B- B- #else sun B- sigwinch() B- { B struct winsize ws; B B if (dosigwinch && ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == 0 && B--- 332,339 ---- B*************** B*** 372,378 **** B sendwindow(); B } B } B- #endif B B /* B * Send the window size to the server via the magic escape B--- 342,347 ---- B*************** B*** 386,402 **** B obuf[1] = 0377; B obuf[2] = 's'; B obuf[3] = 's'; B- #ifdef sun B- wp->ws_row = htons(winsize.ts_lines); B- wp->ws_col = htons(winsize.ts_cols); B- wp->ws_xpixel = 0; B- wp->ws_ypixel = 0; B- #else sun B wp->ws_row = htons(winsize.ws_row); B wp->ws_col = htons(winsize.ws_col); B wp->ws_xpixel = htons(winsize.ws_xpixel); B wp->ws_ypixel = htons(winsize.ws_ypixel); B- #endif sun B (void) write(rem, obuf, sizeof(obuf)); B } B B--- 355,364 ---- B*************** B*** 506,516 **** B */ B reader() B { B- #if !defined(BSD) || BSD < 43 B- int pid = -getpid(); B- #else B int pid = getpid(); B- #endif B int n, remaining; B char *bufp = rcvbuf; B B--- 468,474 ---- B*** /usr/src/ucb/Makefile.old Fri Jun 27 19:50:46 1997 B--- /usr/src/ucb/Makefile Wed May 17 20:32:16 2000 B*************** B*** 3,9 **** B # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement B # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. B # B! # @(#)Makefile 5.17.4 (2.11BSD GTE) 1997/6/27 B # B DESTDIR= B CFLAGS= -O B--- 3,9 ---- B # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement B # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. B # B! # @(#)Makefile 5.17.5 (2.11BSD) 2000/5/17 B # B DESTDIR= B CFLAGS= -O B*************** B*** 12,18 **** B # Programs that live in subdirectories, and have makefiles of their own. B # B SUBDIR= Mail compress dbx error ex finger fp ftp indent lock man \ B! more msgs netstat pascal rdist sendbug talk tftp \ B tn3270 tset vgrind vlp window B B # Shell scripts that need only be installed and are never removed. B--- 12,18 ---- B # Programs that live in subdirectories, and have makefiles of their own. B # B SUBDIR= Mail compress dbx error ex finger fp ftp indent lock man \ B! more msgs netstat pascal rdist rlogin sendbug talk tftp \ B tn3270 tset vgrind vlp window B B # Shell scripts that need only be installed and are never removed. B*************** B*** 34,40 **** B B # Programs that must run setuid to root B # B! SETUID= quota rlogin rsh B B # Programs that must run set-group-id kmem. B # B--- 34,40 ---- B B # Programs that must run setuid to root B # B! SETUID= quota rsh B B # Programs that must run set-group-id kmem. B # B*** /usr/src/share/me/tmac.e.old Mon Oct 21 20:50:21 1996 B--- /usr/src/share/me/tmac.e Fri Oct 13 19:56:55 2000 B*************** B*** 1045,1051 **** B .if \n(dw=5 .ds dw Thursday B .if \n(dw=6 .ds dw Friday B .if \n(dw=7 .ds dw Saturday B! .ds td \*(mo \n(dy, 19\n(yr B .\" *** PARAMETRIC INITIALIZATIONS *** B .if (1m<0.1i)&(\nx!=0) \ B . vs 9p \" for 12-pitch DTC terminals B--- 1045,1052 ---- B .if \n(dw=5 .ds dw Thursday B .if \n(dw=6 .ds dw Friday B .if \n(dw=7 .ds dw Saturday B! .nr *y \n(yr+1900 B! .ds td \*(mo \n(dy, \n(*y B .\" *** PARAMETRIC INITIALIZATIONS *** B .if (1m<0.1i)&(\nx!=0) \ B . vs 9p \" for 12-pitch DTC terminals B*** /usr/src/share/tmac/tmac.s.old Mon Oct 21 20:30:44 1996 B--- /usr/src/share/tmac/tmac.s Mon Oct 9 20:37:30 2000 B*************** B*** 934,940 **** B .if \n(mo-9 .ds MO October B .if \n(mo-10 .ds MO November B .if \n(mo-11 .ds MO December B! .ds DY \*(MO \n(dy, 19\n(yr B .nr * 0 1 B .IZ B .em EM B--- 934,942 ---- B .if \n(mo-9 .ds MO October B .if \n(mo-10 .ds MO November B .if \n(mo-11 .ds MO December B! .nr *y \n(yr+1900 B! .ds DY \*(MO \n(dy, \n(*y B! .ie B .nr * 0 1 B .IZ B .em EM B*** /usr/src/share/tmac/ Thu Oct 31 22:18:00 1996 B--- /usr/src/share/tmac/ Wed Oct 11 23:17:45 2000 B*************** B*** 20,30 **** B .if "\nm"10" .ds ]m November B .if "\nm"11" .ds ]m December B ' # set the date B .if n \{.nr m \nm+1 B! . ie \nd .ds ]W Modified \nm/\nd/\ny B! . el .ds ]W Printed \n(mo/\n(dy/\n(yr\} B! .if t \{.ie \nd .ds ]W \*(]m \nd, 19\ny B! . el .ds ]W \*(]m \n(dy, 19\n(yr\} B .if t .tr *\(** B .ie n \{\ B . ds lq \&"\" B--- 20,35 ---- B .if "\nm"10" .ds ]m November B .if "\nm"11" .ds ]m December B ' # set the date B+ .nr )y \n(yr-100 B+ .ie \n(yr<100 .ds ]Y \n(yr B+ .el .ds ]Y 0\n()y B+ ' B+ .nr )Y \n(yr+1900 B .if n \{.nr m \nm+1 B! . ie \nd .ds ]W Modified \nm/\nd/\*(]Y B! . el .ds ]W Printed \n(mo/\n(dy/\*(]Y\} B! .if t \{.ie \nd .ds ]W \*(]m \nd, \n()Y B! . el .ds ]W \*(]m \n(dy, \n()Y\} B .if t .tr *\(** B .ie n \{\ B . ds lq \&"\" B*** /VERSION.old Fri Apr 21 20:38:04 2000 B--- /VERSION Wed May 17 21:02:26 2000 B*************** B*** 1,5 **** B! Current Patch Level: 431 B! Date: April 21, 2000 B B 2.11 BSD B ============ B--- 1,5 ---- B! Current Patch Level: 432 B! Date: May 17, 2000 B B 2.11 BSD B ============ SHAR_EOF chmod 644 '432.patch' fi exit 0 # End of shell archive