On Wed, 26 May 2004 07:19:19 -0500 Cornelius Keck wrote: > I looked at the Berkeley repository last night, and did not > see some files required to run Sprite directly from disk -- > for instance, the Sparc bootimage (sun4.bt or so) seems to > be missing, or I'm overlooking it, in my coffein-deprived > state of mind. > Right you are. I fished the URL from my bookmarks and had a cursory look before posting my e-mail yesterday. I just had a look at my CD (which casually happened to be on my bag today at work), and it certainly didn't match the URL contents as I remembered. Indeed, something looks weird to me in the contents of the URL, which is yet another reason to consider having a copy somewhere. Since I started all this fuss in the first place, I have just generated an ISO from the raw CD and am copying now the CD contents to disk, which are being made available as ftp://ftp.es.embnet.org/pub/misc/TUHS/sprite and ftp://ftp.es.embnet.org/pub/misc/TUHS/sprite.iso as the copying is done. Beware, it is ~530MB. Sorry for my previous posting suggesting the URL was akin to the CD contents. It's obvious I was completely wrong and my memory has failed me (yet once again). I hope posting the CD will make up for the mistake. j -- These opinions are mine and only mine. Hey man, I saw them first! José R. Valverde De nada sirve la Inteligencia Artificial cuando falta la Natural