On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 15:35:44 -0400 Maciek Bieszczad wrote: > v6.cuzuco.com/v6.pdf In the first page: THIS VERSION WAS PRODUCED BY REVERTING THE SEVENTH EDITION KERNEL SOURCE CODE AND A PROGRAM WRITTEN TO GENERATE THE INDEX AND CROSS REFERENCE BY BRIAN S. WALDEN WH 3A-327 AUGUST 1998 ^^^^ Note two details: This is not the original Lion's text (1998) and the code is not the original v6 code, but rather a reversion of v7 to v6 done by BSW. See the main page v6.cuzuco.com/ where he clearly states it is a "superset" of actual v6 and the TUHS April archives of the mailing list for more details. j -- These opinions are mine and only mine. Hey man, I saw them first! José R. Valverde De nada sirve la Inteligencia Artificial cuando falta la Natural