Quoting Sven Mascheck, who wrote on Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 01:13:54AM +0100 .. > Michael Davidson wrote: > > --- On Mon, 12/26/11, Warren Toomey wrote: > >  A question though: what command would "bring the system down"? > > > > Well, if you are logged in as root the possibilities are almost endless, [...] > > Sure. I was just tempted to exaggerate this discussion with: > "init 0, halt or shutdown". But such commands had no been > implemented even in 7th ed, yet :) ISTR that starting another init has it's own interesting effects though :) Wilko > > I wonder if Warren rather had different issues in mind, > which would lead to "unexpected" downs. The previously > mentioned resource problems probably match this--not too > suprisingly, because I always had the impression that Unix > aimed at protecting processes from each other, not users. > > I'd like to remind of an according, earlier, quite fitting > discussion from DMR: > > In "The UNIX Time-sharing System--A Retrospective" > the paragraph "Security" > http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/retro.html > > -Sven > _______________________________________________ > TUHS mailing list > TUHS at minnie.tuhs.org > https://minnie.tuhs.org/mailman/listinfo/tuhs > --- End of quoted text ---