From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: (Norman Wilson) Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 10:00:04 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [TUHS] Three Questions Message-ID: <> Mark Longridge: What is the deal with Unix version 8? Except for the manuals v8 seems to have disappeared into the twilight zone. Wikipedia doesn't say much, only "Used internally, and only licensed for educational use". So can we look at the source code? Was it sold in binary form only? ======= The Eighth Edition system was never released in any general way, only to a few educational institutions (I forget the number but it was no more than a dozen) under specific letter agreements that forbade redistribution. It was never sold, in source or binary or any other form; the tape included a bootstrap image and full source code. I was involved in all this--in fact one of the first nontrivial things I did after arriving at Bell Labs was to help Dennis assemble the tape--but that was more than 30 years ago and the details have faded. The system as distributed ran only on the VAX-11/750 and 11/780. The bootstrap image on the tape was probably more restrictive than that; if one of the licensees needed something different to get started we would have tried to make it, but I don't remember whether that ever happened. Later systems (loosely corresponding to the Ninth and Tenth editions of the manual) ran on a somewhat wider set of VAXes, in particular the MicroVAX II and III and the VAX 8700 and 8550 (but not the dual- processor 8800). There was never a real distribution of either of those systems, though a few sites made special requests and got hand-crafted snapshots under the same restrictive letter agreement. So far as I know, no Research UNIX system after 7/e has ever been made available under anything but a special letter agreement. There was at one point some discussion amongst several interested parties (including me and The Esteemed Warren Toomey) about strategies to open up the later source code, but that was quashed by the IBM vs The SCO Group lawsuit. It would likely be very hard to make happen now, because I doubt there's anyone left inside Bell Labs with both the influence and the interest, though I'd be quite happy to be proven wrong on that. I know of one place in the world where (a descendant of) that system is still running, but I am not at the moment in a position to say where that is. I do know, however, of at least two places where there are safe copies of the source code, so it is unlikely to disappear from the historic record even if that record cannot be made open for a long time. Norman Wilson Toronto ON (Computing Science Research Centre, Bell Labs, 1984-1990)