From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: (Aharon Robbins) Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 17:43:08 +0300 Subject: [TUHS] Is the Teletype the unsung hero of Unix? Message-ID: <> Hi TUHSers, For a long time now, I have had a theory that I've never seen substantiated (or disproved) in print. After Steve Johnson's recollection of how hard it was to type on the Teletype terminals, I'm going to throw this thought out for consideration. One of Unix's signature hallmarks is its terseness: short command names like mv, ln, cp, cc, ed; short options (a dash and a single letter), programs with just a few, if any, options at all, and short path names: "usr" instead of "user", "src" instead of "source" and so on. I have long theorized that the reason for the short names is that since typing was so physically demanding, it was natural to make the command names (and all the rest) be short and easier to type. I don't know if this was a conscious decision, but I suspect it more likely to have been an unconscious / natural one. Today, I started wondering if this wasn't at least part of the reason for commands being simple, with few if any options. After all, if I have to type 'man foo' to remember how foo works, I don't want to wait for 85 pages of printout (at 110 characters per second!) to finally see what option -z does after wading through the descriptions of options -a through -y. I certainly think there's some truth to this idea; longer command names and especially GNU style long options didn't appear until the video terminal era when terminals were faster (9600 or 19200 baud!) and much less physically demanding to use. How MUCH correlation is there, I don't claim to know, but I think there's definitely some. For the record, I did use the paper teletypes some, mainly at a university where I took summer classes, connected to a Univac system. I remember how hard it was to use them. You could almost set your watch by when it would crash around noon time, as the load went up. :-) On Unix I only used VDTs, except if I was at a console DECwriter. Anyway, that's my thought. :-) Comments and or insights, especially from those who were there, would be welcome. Thanks, Arnold