From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: (Michael =?utf-8?B?S2rDtnJsaW5n?=) Date: Sat, 6 May 2017 21:45:19 +0000 Subject: [TUHS] Discuss of style and design of computer programs from a In-Reply-To: References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> On 6 May 2017 16:00 -0400, from usotsuki at (Steve Nickolas): > In 6502 code, it's not uncommon to do something like > > foo1: lda #$00 > .byte $2C ; 3-byte BIT > foo2: lda #$01 > . > . > . > > to save a byte (and probably still done for the few who write in > ASM). The "2C" operand would cause it to disassemble as something > like... > > 1000- LDA #$00 > 1002- BIT $01A9 > > which is the route you'd go down if you called "foo1". Apart > diddling a few CPU flags, and an unneeded read on $01A9, harmless. You could do something quite similar on the 8086, which I am somewhat more familiar with. For example, in some kind of pseudo 8086 assembler, with $ denoting the value of the instruction pointer at the beginning of the current instruction: jmp short $+3 int 90h ; hex: cd 90 would almost certainly decompile to the above, if the decompiler doesn't barf when it can't create a jump target label mid-instruction, but it would certainly _execute_ as jmp short l1 db 0cdh ; dummy byte l1: nop ; hex: 90 resulting in a jump over one byte followed by a no-op instruction. Of course, invoking interrupt 90h would be a perfectly legal thing to do, assuming that your interrupt tables are set up correctly. If you want to mess with someone trying to figure out what the code is doing, write a (nonsense or meaningful) value to interrupt vector 90h before you do that. For example, assuming that it isn't being used, you could point interrupt 90h at the reboot jump location, which IIRC on the IBM PC would mean point it at FFFFh:FFF0h or absolute address FFFF0h. Anyone trying to actually execute the INT 90h instruction would see their computer reboot, but anyone actually executing the code would see little more than a CPU cache flush due to the jump. Or, something slightly more "useful" jmp short $+3 int 0 ; hex: cd 00 db 0 jz somewhere which, again IIRC, would clear the accumulator (AX) register because 0000 hex is XOR AX,AX, which as a side effect sets the zero flag because the result is zero, and then executes a conditional jump if the zero flag is set (which it will be). In other words, it _executes_ as jmp short l1 db 0cdh ; dummy byte l1: xor ax,ax ; hex: 00 00 jz somewhere but a naiive decompiler will see the CDh byte after the jump and take that as the first byte of the two-byte interrupt instruction. I don't know what 00 followed by the first byte of the JZ instruction would be, but probably a register/register XOR with a register store. Make it a far jump and you have a few extra bytes to play with, to befuddle anyone trying to figure out just what on Earth your code is really doing. The above, of course, is really just scratching the surface. With how many variable-length instructions the x86 has, with careful selection of opcodes and possibly use of undocumented but functionally valid combinations, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it's technically possible to write a 8086 program that does one thing when started normally, and something utterly different but still useful when started at an offset that results in execution beginning in the middle of an instruction. Bonus points if the first thing that program does is jump into itself _at that offset_. Now, the _work involved in doing so_, never mind maintaining it... Of course, I wouldn't do anything like the above in any real-world code base meant to run on modern systems unless obfuscation really _was_ a design goal. Honest. If I was tasked to write something that really needed to do something non-trivial in 16 KiB RAM on an original IBM 5150 PC or clone? I'd probably spend quite a bit of time in front of the whiteboard and with reference manuals before writing even one line of code... -- Michael Kjörling • • michael at “People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)