From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: (Doug McIlroy) Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2017 08:46:04 -0400 Subject: [TUHS] Unix of choice these days? Message-ID: <201709251246.v8PCk4n7000870@coolidge.cs.Dartmouth.EDU> >> "Bah. That's just some goof-ball research toy." > I feel like the same thing was said about Unix at some point very early in it's history. Amusingly the IT department of AT&T felt that way and commissioned a Harvard prof, no less, to write a report about why VMS was the way to go on Vaxen. The hired gun (so much for academic integrity) addressed the subject almost entirely with meta arguments: (1) VMS was written by OS professionals; Unix was a lab experiment. (2) One could count on support from DEC, not from Research. (So much for USG; as far as i know the author never asked anyone in] Bell Labs about anything.) (3) And the real killer: VMS was clearly far advanced, witness its shelf of manuals vs the thin Unix volumes that fit in one's briefcase. Lee McMahon had particular fun with this one in a rebuttal that unleashed the full power of his Jesuit training in analytic debate. Doug