Hi, Bakul wrote: > (I don’t use vim much to know if it can split windows vertically). Yes, horizontally or vertically. Start vim, type `^Ws^Wv' where ^ is Ctrl, and you'll have three windows. > I didn’t “move” to vim as it did arbitrary undo/redo incompatibly with > nvi. That's still the case. And it branches the undo history now, e.g. you undo a few times, then make a new edit, and you old undone edits are still available, but on another branch; the original one. Occasionally useful when you accidentally make an edit that would otherwise wipe the redo. Larry wrote: > > Huh, that's news to me. What actually happened was that I was in the process of adding multiwindows to vi when we installed our VAX, which would have been in December of '78. We didn't have any backups and the tape drive broke. I continued to work even without being able to do backups. And then the source code got scrunched and I didn't have a complete listing. I had almost rewritten all of the display code for windows, and that was when I gave up. After that, I went back to the previous version and just documented the code, finished the manual and closed it off. If that scrunch had not happened, vi would have multiple windows, and I might have put in some programmability—but I don't know — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vi#Distribution -- Cheers, Ralph. https://plus.google.com/+RalphCorderoy